Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 6:22 p.m. No.19697203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7288

"Trump was wrong about Operation Warp Speed so he must be wrong about Israel" - Pedo AOC Squad groupie/Young Turks Muslim Goat Fucker.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 6:31 p.m. No.19697256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7268 >>7269 >>7275 >>7286

Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran


You want to go deep weeds, let’s go deep weeds. Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money. While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered.


The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations. What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar.


Now, many people may not at first understand the nature of how that makes such a significant difference. The lack of understanding is the result of people not fully grasping what Qatar does in the Middle East. Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations. Qatar is the banking center for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the political umbrella for a host of Islamic extremist groups.


Qatar is well known to CTH readers and those who follow the deep weeds of geopolitics. Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood. In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the Middle East, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.


We have outlined the long history of Qatar as it pertains to a myriad of U.S. interests.


EXAMPLES: •When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar. •When President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expelled the radical leaders of The Brotherhood from Egypt, they went to Qatar. •When President Donald Trump asked the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to confront radical Islamic extremism, the Arab nations confronted Qatar. •When Qatar was forced to expel the five most radical leaders of The Brotherhood, they went to Turkey. [Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aligned in common principle with The Brotherhood.] •When the U.S. released captured Islamic extremists from Gitmo (al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), they were transferred to Qatar. •When the Taliban took back control over Afghanistan, the al-Qaeda leaders from Qatar went back to Afghanistan.


Qatar is aligned with the Obama/Biden worldview of all things political. The Obama/Biden worldview is not opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood. As a consequence, the Obama/Biden worldview is in alignment with the Palestinian Authority. In essence, in many ways of laundering money, Qatar is an Arabic version of Ukraine.


Without Qatar radical Islamic extremism could not exist. Without Qatar the Muslim Brotherhood, the political arm of Islamic extremism, could not exist. Qatar is the bank for all operational terrorist groups.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 6:34 p.m. No.19697268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7276


>Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran

bank inQatar.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 82fedb No.8062147 📁

Feb 7 2020 12:29:42 (EST)

Why is China/Qatardonating vast sums of money to our education institutions?📁


Is it really so hard to believe [F] actors are able to bribe those in key positions within the US to betray their Country?


Nov 25 2019


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ac3c8c No.7371947 📁

Nov 25 2019 16:30:45 (EST)

[D]'s (internal) infiltration issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?


Do you believe in coincidences?

>DF Chinese spy_insert 20+ years📁

>Awan IT scandal📁

>Omar paid [F] agent📁

'''>Clinton server China relay'''📁

>[VJ] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]

>[Kerry] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]



It's only a matter of time.


Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:06 p.m. No.19697495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7511 >>7547

>>19697377 (pb)

>The world desperately needs these two.





>Trump and Man's best FREN!!!


Yeah. We thought, for three days, this is what was going to happen. It was actually — look, nobody was even hurt. Our K-9, as they call — I call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog — was injured and brought back. But we had no soldier injured. And they did a lot of shooting, and they did a lot of blasting, even not going through the front door. You know, you would think you go through the door. If you’re a normal person, you say, “Knock, knock. May I come in?” The fact is that they blasted their way into the house and a very heavy wall, and it took them literally seconds. By the time those things went off, they had a beautiful, big hole, and they ran in and they got everybody by surprise.




You will read this whole statement in his voice whether you want to or not.'

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:12 p.m. No.19697552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7560 >>7566

JUST IN: OIL PRICES SURGE BY OVER 4.5% Conflict in the Middle East has caused oil prices to spike prior to the opening of markets on Monday morning, which will inevitably lead to an increase in gas prices that are already choking Americans.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:14 p.m. No.19697569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At this rate, swastika pictures will be stale meme fodder by Christmas. Enjoy the show - you're paying for it! Ukraine and Palestine are both Nazis now…

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:16 p.m. No.19697583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7589 >>7623 >>7624 >>7652 >>7908 >>7919 >>7952

Kash Patel: The planning for the Israel Attack went unnoticed by the Biden Administration because they prioritized Climate Change, Diversity/Inclusion and giving money to terrorists over the safety of the US and it's Allies.


Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?


Instead of analyzing how the world’s supreme intelligence agencies and superpowers missed HAMAS’ attack on Israel, the media is sensationalizing its actuality. That’s the scary part, its not a miss, it’s a deliberate act of weaponization by the Biden administration of our national security apparatus.


The intelligence community, like our national command authority is directed by one thing, the Commander-in-Chief. Whether you grow its size is a red herring, when you reorient thousands of career individuals trained to detect prospects of war, you have less personnel and capacity detecting the threat environment. Its simple; there is only so much money, machines, and manning to direct against our enemies.


I know first hand during the Trump administration, our national intelligence priorities were foreign terrorist organizations, and defeating a nuclear Iran. We had specific cells and groups within the IC dedicated against groups like HAMAS and Iran, they were top tier priorities. President Trump made this mission simple, defeating our enemies will always be the top priority in his national defense arsenal. We used all options, overt and covert.


The National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), is the bulwark of our national security efforts. What is the NIPF? Simply defined, amongst a multi-tier threat analysis, each White House is charged with the duty of prioritizing the greatest threats to the United States and our allies. In the Trump administration, this was simple, AQ, ISIS, and foreign terrorist organizations were all top priorities. Each year the White House creates a new rack and stack within the NIPF, for example during Biden’s first year, climate change was the top priority. Don’t believe me, his DoD’s first CONOP (concept of operations, the mandate that moves the DoD’s rudder) was on climate change. Not terrorists, not the CCP, not Iran, and not the cartels (like we did during Trump’s term), but the weather. There’s your critical intelligence failure driven by Biden’s desire to weaponize intelligence for political narrative purposes. And it was intentional. That’s the difference between Trump and Biden. Now the world sees what happens when you do not.


Immediately after the Biden administration just weeks ago provided Iran with $6billion of funding, the fake news declared this an overarching win because they carried the false narrative that this was a victory for global security. The day after Iran received this stack of cash, they kicked out every single UN inspector that guarded against their production of nuclear weapons grade material.


The media continued to print false stories that America will have oversight of all funds because Biden administration told them to say so. You now see the power of these disinformation campaigns. The reality, Iran’s president, the day after receiving the cash stated unequivocally Iran will use the funds as they see fit, with zero oversight. As a side, it’s a total fiction to believe America could have any oversight of these funds- to wit Afghanistan and Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:17 p.m. No.19697589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7640




>Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?


You do not need to be in national security to know planning a declaration of war of this magnitude by HAMAS and Iran takes thousands of people, months of work, and painstaking collaboration. Are we to believe the Biden IC ‘just missed’ on the intel, it was a gap? Not for one second, it was an intentional decision to prioritize the weather, diversity/inclusion, and giving money to terrorists, then the safety of us and our allies.


When you demand the thousands of IC officials whose entire careers are spent fighting against actual top tier threats, and force them to study climate change and diversity, this is the result. We cannot expect America, nor its allies, to destroy terrorism, when you have demanded them to guard the setting sun. Trump had dedicated intelligence and defense cells focused against Hamas, Iran, and Shia militia groups. That work can only be stopped by reorganization of the NIPF at the charge of the commander-in-chief. It’s not complicated government gymnastics, rather simply government weaponization to satisfy a destructive radical agenda and the media.


Don’t believe me, here’s another dose of reality, Jake Sullivan, the current national security advisor to the president, and author of the false Russia Gate Alfa Bank narrative, definitely declared just one week ago, the Middle East has never been more at peace. How’s that aging?


When you have corrupt Government Gangsters running our national security, this is the result. As a side note, since we sent 7 years worth of surface to air missile defense systems (just one example) to the Ukraine along with $120 billion, what happens when Israel calls on us for aid.


Worse yet, what happens when we find out hostages taken by HAMAS are American, or those killed were one of ours. Do you trust this administration with our national security? Perhaps Biden will again give another $6 billion to Iran on 9/11.



Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:18 p.m. No.19697604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7626 >>7629 >>7959

James Woods: Pundits are wailing about intelligence failures that led to the terrorist slaughter perpetrated by Hamas against children and woman. Yet not one liberal apologist has considered that an equivalent silent army is surely walking across Biden’s non-existent border every day.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:21 p.m. No.19697637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7643 >>7659

Respected leader of Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit is killed fighting Hamas as officials praise his 'bravery'


Respected leader of Israel 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas


Colonel Roy Levy, 44, was the leader of the Multidimensional Unit - a secretive group of commandos established to tackle Hamas using drones and other modern warfare techniques.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:27 p.m. No.19697685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7697 >>7706 >>7709 >>7714 >>7723 >>7736 >>7752

🚨🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 "This happened just minutes ago. More breaking footage from Lukeville, Arizona. With the attacks we just saw in Israel what I’m seeing on the border is even more concerning…" - Ben Bergquam reporting that the CARTELS ARE NOW BRINGING IN FIGHTING AGE MALE SYRIANS ACROSS THE BORDER.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:32 p.m. No.19697717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California’s clout in Congress takes a hit


The recent death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and this week’s ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the Speakership has deprived California of a wide swath of legislative and political clout, leaving the state looking to up-and-comers in Congress to fill big shoes.


The loss of the two, coupled with Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) own exit from the Speakership late last year, has shaken up the state — and put it in an unfamiliar position. It has long relied on top members, especially Feinstein, to bring dollars and projects home; Feinstein served in the Senate from 1992 until her death last month.


“She set a tremendous standard for what it means for a United States senator to represent California,” Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) told The Hill. “And to serve here in the Senate, I can only pray that I come anywhere close to live up to the standard that she set.”


“It is impossible to overstate the impact she’s had on California,” Padilla also told reporters Wednesday, adding that Feinstein was “the one that we turned to for leadership and for comfort, whether it was in times of conflict or crisis” back home.


That role now falls to a new crowd on the Democratic side, including Padilla, who is in his first full term, and Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), Feinstein’s newly minted replacement, as well as a rising group in the House headlined by Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.), the No. 3 House Democrat.


A number of veterans remain in the mix, including Pelosi as Speaker emerita, with Vice President Harris also leading the charge in the administration.


However, filling the hole left behind Feinstein will be difficult. Feinstein was a longtime appropriator and led the charge for the state on a number of items, including wildfires, clean energy and water issues, among more. She was also a national leader on gun violence, women’s issues and gay rights, including having authored the Respect for Marriage Act that passed last year.


Bill Whalen, who served as a top aide to former California Gov. Pete Wilson (R), noted that Feinstein was the consummate workhorse and the one to seek out if anyone needed something for the state.


“Most times [Wilson and I] went to Washington, there was time on the calendar to meet with Sen. Feinstein, because you turned to her for California matters,” said Whalen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution at the University of Stanford.


McCarthy hailed the late senator and specifically noted their joint work on the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, a law passed in 2016 that authorizes a number of federal programs to boost water infrastructure for rivers and harbors.


“I remember the hours and the nights that we would have to work to try to work through and the challenges,” McCarthy said at a press conference shortly after her death. “We come from different parties, we have different philosophies, but we put our state first.”


McCarthy, on top of his GOP leadership work and efforts on water legislation, was also a leading proponent of boosting commercial space competitiveness, a key issue in his Bakersfield-based district. The former Speaker authored the SPACE Act in 2015, which was subsequently signed into law by then-President Obama.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:35 p.m. No.19697742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Israeli forces have now entered the Palestenian Shuafat Camp camp in East Jerusalem. Clashes there have been ongoing for about 7 hours.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:44 p.m. No.19697795   🗄️.is 🔗kun






#668205 at 2018-03-15 01:57:00 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #827: QQQQQQQQ Edition



if you were asking specifically about 2 flags in EACH logo - the It's a tribute to the Iron Front who used the "THREE ARROWS" as their symbol. Together with Antifaschistische Aktion (who originated the "two flags" antifa symbol"), they were the two prominent militant antifascist groups in Germany in the 1930s.



#6894681 at 2019-07-02 06:15:48 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8819: We Stand Ready To Deploy, Engage, & Destroy The Enemies Edition


>>6894305 pb Notables

OMFG, Q is right these people really are stupid, kek.

I was going through notables and saw the picture with the3 ARROWSon their shield. And i have seen that symbol all weekend long from the various videos of Antifa.


I decided to look up3 ARROWSand see what symbolism that has or possible connections.

This was the first thing to come up forTHREE ARROWS.


TheTHREE ARROWSis a social-democratic and anti-fascist political symbol. The symbol emerged in Weimar Germany in the midst of the political crisis that preceded the Nazi takeover in 1933. Wikipedia


My mouth about dropped, kek



If this has not been brought up or in notables before, i think it should be.

We need some new graphics with the added 3 ARROWS info ( like the one Q posted showing antifa symbolism and nazi symbolism).


#17882966 at 2022-12-06 01:43:14 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #21928: Get Out and Vote for the WONDERFUL Herschel Walker TOMORROW Edition





good catch anon, is loaded for bear onTHREE ARROWSCapital


>>17834357 (pb)

>BlockFi Files For Widely Anticipated Bankruptcy, Cites FTX Collapse

>BlockFi was bailed out by FTX in June of 2022 as a result of contagion from the collapse of cryptocurrency hedge fundTHREE ARROWSCapital, and was shortly acquired

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 7:48 p.m. No.19697823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7830 >>7840 >>7852 >>7855 >>7867

Without a Second Amendment Private Gun Ownership Low in Israel


As the world watches the atrocities of the past few days unfold in Israel — including Hamas terrorists going door to door to kill Israelis — it is notable that Israel does not have a U.S.-like Second Amendment and private gun ownership among Israelis is low.


The BBC reported that “Israeli gun ownership is low at about 2% of the population.” In contrast, the findings of a recent study by Rutgers University’s New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center estimated upwards of six in ten Americans own guns.


The difference, in large part, is the Second Amendment. Israelis are allowed to own guns at whatever level their government approves whereas Americans have a birthright to gun ownership that is protected by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


Israelis are also limited in the type of firearms and quantity of ammunition they can own. The BBC observed, “Usually citizens are allowed to hold a pistol and a limit of 50 bullets.” In all but the bluest states, Americans can own almost any gun imaginable — including machine guns — and can have as much ammunition stored and ready as they can afford.


Even leaving out machine guns and focusing on semi-automatic rifles, such as AR-15s and/or AK-47s, there are nearly 25 million such rifles in circulation in the U.S., according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. This means there are more AR/AK-style firearms in circulation in the U.S. “than Ford F-Series trucks on the road.”

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 8 p.m. No.19697915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Defense Minister Orders Weapons, Ammo, Supplied to Gaza Border Communities / Do we want to pay them in Ukraine weapons or Afghanistan weapons or US weapons? So many choices


Israel DM Orders Weapons, Ammo, Supplied to Gaza Border Communities


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered Israel Defense Forces to distribute weapons and ammunition to communities near the Gaza border.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 8:02 p.m. No.19697927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7935 >>7940 >>7946 >>7949 >>7954



'"Vaccine" against conspiracy theories could be closer than you think'''


"Once people have been radicalized or are deep down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole, it's very difficult to bring people back," Sander van der Linden said.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 8:04 p.m. No.19697938   🗄️.is 🔗kun

David Icke says the attack on Israel was an inside job. Now that Israel had it's "9/11" they can attack Iran under the cover of doing it for self defense. Then Iran and other Muslims can attack Israel. Both sides will destroy each other as predicted by freemason Albert Pike.

Anonymous ID: deef01 Oct. 8, 2023, 8:05 p.m. No.19697943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kylie Jenner learned its hard playing political activist. Deleted her tweet supporting Israel in seconds after online backlash.


Kylie Jenner Deletes Pro-Israel Post amid Heat from Followers


Kylie Jenner is feeling the heat for sharing and deleting a post supporting Israel after the terrorist group Hamas attacked the nation.