Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.19699381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 Oct, 2023 05:24

Iran denies helping Hamas plot attack on Israel

The Palestinian militants have been acting entirely independently, Tehran claims


Tehran has denied accusations that it helped Palestinian militants to plan the surprise attack on Israel that was launched on Saturday morning.


“The decisions made by the Palestinian resistance are fiercely autonomous and unwaveringly aligned with the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people,” Iran’s mission to the UN said in a statement to the media. “We are not involved in Palestine’s response, as it is taken solely by Palestine itself.”


On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal cited several sources, including unnamed members of the Hamas and Hezbollah militant groups, as saying that officers from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had helped to plan the attack on Israel since August.It also “gave the green light” for the operation at a meeting in Beirut, Lebanon last Monday.


Ghazi Hamad, a Hamas spokesman, told the BBC that the militants had “direct backing”from Iran. However, Ali Baraka, another Hamas official, insisted in an interview with NBC News that Tehran had not been notified about 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' beforehand. “It was a surprise to everyone, including Iran,”he said.


Although US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the White House had not yet seen evidence of Tehran’s involvement, some Israeli and American officials accused the Islamic Republic of colluding with Hamas.


The Palestinian militants and allied groups carried out a surprise attack on Israel from Gaza, simultaneously firing rockets and dispatching troops to infiltrate Israeli settlements. The Israeli government responded by declaring war on Hamas and carrying out airstrikes on Gaza.


Iran has endorsed the assault and urged other Muslim countries to back the Palestinians against Israel.


More than 700 Israelis and at least 436 Palestinians have been killed since Saturday

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 2:26 a.m. No.19699392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 Oct, 2023 06:39

Ukraine admits repeated failures in bid to capture Europe’s largest nuclear plant

Kiev’s military intelligence commandos launched three amphibious assaults on Zaporozhye NPP, their chief has confirmed


Ukrainian commandos have failed on three occasions to gain a foothold in Energodar, the city in Russia’s Zaporozhye Region where Europe’s largest nuclear plant is located, Kiev’s military intelligence head has admitted.


Kirill Budanov, chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and others involved in the botched operations, were cited in an article publshed on Sunday by the news outlet NV.


The first attempt to seize control of territory in Energodar, which took place in August 2022 according to the outlet, involved commandos crossing the Kakhovka water reservoir on civilian speedboats. The most recent effort was a major operation involving hundreds of troops, including foreign fighters.


Budanov and his subordinates explained that the GUR troops had been repelled by Russian forces on each occasion, but claimed that the failures had some value. Surviving troops and planners gained experience in amphibious operations, which has since been used to attack Crimea, they said.


Meanwhile, Kiev’s overarching goal of preventing Russia from supplying electricity generated by the Zaporozhye plant to the region was achieved thanks to moles, according to Ukrainian sources.


Russian officials reported several Ukrainian attempts to seize Energodar last year, the largest of which took place in mid-October. Kiev deployed 37 speedboats for the amphibious assault and lost some 90 troops to Russian retaliation, they said at the time. People in Zaporozhye Region, formerly a part of Ukraine, voted to join Russia in September 2022.


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear watchdog, has repeatedly warned about the risks that hostilities near the Zaporozhye plant may pose to its safety. It has failed to mediate an agreement between Russia and Ukraine for a no-fighting zone around Energodar.


Last week, Ukrainian commandos were killed or captured during a landing in Crimea after their watercraft were attacked by Russian warplanes. The Russian security service, the FSB, claimed that survivors had said the goal of theoperation was to film troops holding a Ukrainian flag on Russian soil.(I doubt that was their only goal. Ukraine is a terrorist nation.)

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 2:35 a.m. No.19699409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9419

9 Oct, 2023 02:11

German voters deal blow to ruling party

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats have suffered resounding defeats in Hesse and Bavaria


The ruling Social Democrats (SPD) lost elections in the German states of Hesse and Bavaria on Sunday, as Chancellor Olaf Scholz remains dogged by low approval ratings.


In Hesse,the country’s financial hub, former chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is projected to win 34.6% of the votes, according to a forecast by broadcaster ARD. The Social Democrats are at 15.1% – more than four points down on its 2018 result.


The CDU’s sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which has governed Bavaria since the 1950s, is projected to receive 36.6% of the votes (37.2% in 2018), while the Social Democrats are expected to get only 8.1% (9.7% in 2018). Bavaria,Germany’s second-largest state in terms of population, has a large economy and is home to many industrial companies.


SPD co-leader Lars Klingbeil acknowledged that the results were “two defeats” for his party. “There were many crises in recent years that have contributed to the situation being the way it is,” he added.


Meanwhile, theright-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party came second in Hesse and Bavaria with 18.5% and 15.7%, respectively. This represented an improvement of more than five points on its results in the last election in both states. The party is known for advocating tighter restrictions on immigration. It has also been critical of Germany’s ties to NATO and Berlin’s decision to supply weapons to Ukraine.


Scholz’s cabinet has been under pressure over high inflation and energy price hikes, as well as policies aimed at transitioning towards a green economy. The chancellor was heckled and booed at several campaign events, and was called a “warmonger” at one by angry attendees.


Thegovernment’s approval rating is at its lowest level since Scholz took officein December 2021, according to the ARD DeutschlandTrend poll, which showed thatfour out of five Germans were unhappy with his performance.


(All the leftists vowed to ban the right wing “extremist” party, they leftists lost. AfD is the MAGA party in Bavaria. This is a victory like Sweden. Many states are being now have conservatives ruling in EU. Meloni is a fake right wing leader, she’s roundly criticized and will be voted out.)

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 2:48 a.m. No.19699442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9454

9 Oct, 2023 08:58

Russia, China urge renewal of long-stalled Middle East peace talks

Divisions at the Security Council hampered the UN response to Israeli-Palestinian violence


Russia and China argued fora genuine peace process in the Middle Eastat a Sunday meeting of the UN Security Council meant to discuss the recent attacks by the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Israel, the worst the country has seen in decades.


“My message is: It’s important to stop the fighting immediately, to go to a ceasefire and to meaningful negotiations, which were stalled for decades,” Vassily Nebenzia, the Russian permanent representative to the UN, told journalists after an emergency session of the Security Council on Sunday.


Nebenzia stressed that Russia condemned all attacks on civilians. Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jun voiced a similar position ahead of the meeting, urging the world “to come back to the two-state solution.”


The Security Council, however, did not produce a joint statement on the matter due to disagreements among members.


For its part,the United States demanded all 15 members condemn “these heinous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas.” After the session, US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood said that “a good number of countries”heeded Washington’s call, but not all of them, adding that reporters could guess who he was referring to.


Moscow previously described the crisis as “an extremely dangerous manifestation of the vicious circle of violence directly stemming from the non-implementation of the relevant resolutions” by the UN Security Council. It said that Western nations have effectively blocked the work of the Quartet on the Middle East, an international group tasked with mediating the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that includes Russia, the US, the EU, and the UN.


Israel’s permanent UN representative, Gilad Erdan, declared that his nation’s goal was to “obliterate” Hamas’ “terrorist infrastructure.” He called members of the militant group “savages” and “animal-like terrorists,” accusing them of “blatant documented war crimes”during the raid on southern Israel.


In addition to targeting Israeli military bases and personnel, Hamas fighters have attacked civilians and captured hostages, according to footage of their attacks circulating online. Israel has declared war on the organization and launched retaliatory strikes on Gaza.


Meanwhile, Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador, cited Israel’s blockade of Gaza and regular attacks inside the densely populated area as fuelling the violence. He urged Israel not to “double down on its terrible choices.”


In recent years, Israel has been under the leadership of a series of right-wing governments pursuing conciliatory and escalatory policies. The nation successfully revitalized its diplomatic relations with several Arab countries and had plans to establish ties with Saudi Arabia through a trilateral agreement involving the US. However, these diplomatic achievements have been accompanied by increasing criticism from prominent human rights organizations, including B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch, which argue thatIsrael’s treatment of Palestinians is a form of apartheid.


For their part,Arab nations have issued statementsregarding the ongoing escalation, suggesting thatIsrael bears at least partial responsibility for the situation and calling for a revival of the peace process.


(So most UN Security council members sided with Israel and would vote for a joint peace talks, siding with Israel to glass Gaza with US)

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 2:59 a.m. No.19699467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9474 >>9476 >>9494 >>9504 >>9506

Anons do you remember BDAnonon half chan, he said Israel has plenty of Nukes and Israel warned the world if they are attacked and cannot win, they will literally blow up the world


His post from 3/22//22


The Middle East is heating up again. The variant was stolen by a group of ISIS terrorists, how the hell they knew it was where it was escapes me. Hard to tell who they plan to use it against. My bet is Iran. Israeli intelligence is on to the Iranians trying to rebuild their nuclear program and it seems theBiden administration is selling out the Israelis to get a deal with Iran. The Biden Administration isriddled with Iranian spies, look no closer that the relationship between John Kerry and the Iranians, including his family. If the U.S. gets back in the Iran deal look for a very quick reaction by Israel. Israel knows if the deal goes through their days are numbered. Expect attacks on the Iranian leadership followed by the leveling of numerous Iranian sites. If ISIS releases the virus in Iran this will be quite the zoo. And of course the next shit show is China. I have to admit Burning Bush has a sense of humor.

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 3:02 a.m. No.19699474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488





China is dying. The dye is cast. Biden is selling out Taiwan. American military assets in the Pacific are being moved to facilitate the takeover of the island. Anything else is a smoke screen.In addition Biden has also sold out Israel. The consequences of these actions are devastating. Israel and Taiwan have been working together for years and Taiwan has developed 6 nuclear weapons to use against China.


Israel will move soon against Lebanon and Iran. Will China move against Taiwan? Maybe so but they do not realize Xi has a target on his back and Beijing will be nuked.Neither Taiwan nor Israel will walk into the Ovens alone. We are here.

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 3:06 a.m. No.19699488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9500


It seems BD uses the word “soon” like Q does






Considering the kikes have been struggling againts a crippled militia armed with handmade rockets; a confrontation with Hezbollah or Iran could be entertaining. The kikes were too scared to even make ground assault on Gaza despite their tons of arms, vehicles and equipment.



That is not what this is about. The Isrealis know the U.S. has sold them out and are acting appropriately. They have already positioned nuclear weapons in Iran and are about ready to go.


Look for a major event in Lebanon or northern Israel fairly soon. An event that will allow Israel to glass Lebanon and Hezbollah.

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 3:10 a.m. No.19699500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9512 >>9519


All of these old BD quotes look pretty accurate




The Israelis have laid a trap for Hamas, Syria, the militant groups and Iran. They are on the clock and running a plan that will take all of them out.


You will begin to understand soon enough. Where it goes no one really knows but my bet is on the Israelis finishing this page of their history. Iran`s nuclear weapons have been destroyed and Israel will not let the traitors in the U.S. government facilitate the rebuilding of what was destroyed in the recent past. That is why the Iranian government wants the agreement with the West to be put in effect so they can rebuild what has been destroyed. People died to take out those facilities at the time Soleimani was murdered. Next time the Iranians will pay a terrible price.

Anonymous ID: 60e0c1 Oct. 9, 2023, 3:17 a.m. No.19699519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Last BD Anon posts I promise but he particularly accurate andthese are 2021




Where is this going?


  1. Hamas will cease to exist.

2.Israel will literally level Gaza. Israel has already made agreements with Egypt to assume control over a portion of Gaza with Israel cleansing the northern portion of the strip.

  1. Israel has put Iran in the cross hairs. Their fate in all of this will be the harshest. Already elements of the Israeli and Saudi Army are preparing for action.

  2. All out war is on the menu for the Middle East. Israel has totally lost faith in the U.S. as a partner and knows now is the time to act.

Expect new Iranian munitions to come into play soon. Pre-positioned weapons in the big evil are ready to go. And I mean Iran. Understand this. Israel will not walk into the oven alone.


As another has said.There are multiple time lines being played out and this one will suffer the most.


Time to go back to the Feather River in a calmer time and place. A beautiful woman, gold, and well the only safe place being the past while the present is ransacked by a future that comes into being one right after another.


On another point therevelations regarding off planet lifewill be here soon and will be astounding.


Gold production in area 51 is in over drive, and the revelations from Arizona will ripple across the country as the truth of the stolen election of 2020 comes out.





Israeli military sources indicate Israel is on the verge of unleashing hell on Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Options include using tactical nuclear weapons in southern Lebanon to eliminate Hezbollah forces, and high energy weapons to destroy sensitive electronic warfare devices. The second phase will be a massive sweep into Gaza and the total destruction of Hamas forces and the death of key Hamas officials. Essentially to salt the earth with Hamas blood. The third phase will be the setting off of a major nuclear weapon in Iran with the message being clear that Tehran will be glassed if they get involved further. Obviously Syria will be completely destroyed in such an offensive. Suspect Iran will be glassed. Buckle up ladies.