So. who do you trust anon? DeSantis? Haley? Rammyswammy?
Good thing the MSM reported on this to fan outrage. From now on Hammas will just execute the old and infirm to avoid the bad publicity of taking handicapped hostages.
Fucking Kek. Imagine all the Karens at the Induction Center screaming to speak to the manager because little Cody is too special to be drafted.
'Member when Saddam was gassing Beagle puppies with WMD's? It's bullshit anon, but it's effective bullshit against liberals with vajayjays.
So, who does that leave?
Since the beginning Anon. Alexander Hamilton was the first.
Propaganda is propaganda no matter what side is spewing it. What aboutism is no longer accepted as legal tender.
Kind of tells you everything you need to know don't it?
Full house digits confirm need for Border Mad Minute.
I'm kind of disappointed that a bunch of hood rats didn't make a video of them dancing over 10/7
Dual citizens probably, permanently residing in HymieLand.
Kek. Tom Hanks will play Bibi.
Anon remembers Ft Hood being wide open at all gates 24/7 in the late '80s.
Kind of like the way kids watch a fight on a playground.
The Russians are stealing our crabs! We must punish them!
Kek. It's cheap real estate.
Not my concern.
Infinitesimal in the scheme of current events. Who cares anyway? He'll never work in that town again.
Kek. Pretty sure that's shopped.
It's more than 48 hours after Hamas' initial attacks and the Israeli's haven't reacted with their usual crushing force. That tells this anon they aren't really sure where to attack. Because of their geography any time they mass significant forces anywhere, they leave a gap in their border defenses. Tingly almonds are telling me that as soon as the IDF moves into Gaza, Hezbullah will attack from Lebanon with Iranian support. They've got all of southern Syria to use as a staging and logistics area. If the IDF attacks outside of it's own borders, the Arab League will form a coalition and counter-attack.
It's going to be fun watching the DS try to conscript zoomers door to door at gunpoint.