They are extra triggered this morning. I must be doing a guud job. Love you frens!
But it's morning, frenz? KMAO
Those organic tri-force digits just always seem to line up for me
Now that's a big surprise. Seeing these two IPs replying to each other again. No pattern here to see. Definitely not smoking pee pee trying to manufacture "organic consensus". Why don't you pretend to be a baker because you think they are authority figures then avoid ever baking? I'm so mortgage free in your fucked up head it's unbelievable. Love you buddy.
Sup buddy. Another day at the "office"?
Thanks baker. No hard feelz for the niggerisms.
>Even still pretending he's not IP hopping after being repeatedly proven to be with the exact same patterns every single time
Love you buddy
>totally doesn't sound exactly like smokin pee pees vernacular, lexicon, syntax, grammar and sentence structuring
>totally legit to randomly appear like clockwork to manufacture consensus with smoking pee pees argument
>totally doesn't reveal the exact same pattern every damn day
>projects exactly what he does to others then labels them as projection shill
>rinse and repeat
It's been fun watching you lose your mind. Can't say you didn't deserve it.
>"All the anons who agree"
>another failed attempt at manufacturing "organic consensus"
Kek. Winning bigly.
You want me to delete your posts too?
Why are you so obviously smoking pee pee ip hopping to REEEEEEEEEE
Excellent work anon!
>everyone I disagree with is an ip hopper
Yup you really captured the essence of smokin pee pee the projection shill who projects all day long things such as that
Positively losing his mind
It's never like smoking pee pee to project that at the end of a narcissistic ranting schizo reply to pretend he's getting the last word in like a 5 year old. Zing!!
Fascinating levels of projection and split personality