Definitely awake but if I do anything the cops will arrest ME. Cops are the problem as well as the courts and laws that back them.
>>1970599 Checked and:
Western Oregon reporting in… Last real chemtrails were in April with a single exception. June 12 mid-day. On that day we had the strangest Chemtrail event ever and it even put a weird sparkly ring around the sun. Definitely not a sun-dog type ring with the 4 points(ice). Definitely not a rainbow (water). This was something else entirely. Haven't seen another similar event since. Perfect beautiful blue skies and clouds.
The dark color is not a filter it is just me shooting straight into the sun with a digital camera in HDR mode. The ring was definitely visible with the naked eye though which is why I stopped to take the pictures. This was early afternoon? Perhaps a bored Planefag can get more info on it?