Anonymous ID: 6f9a8f June 30, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.1970088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER organization is sponsoring demonstrations today

Here are some of their supporters.



#VOTEPROCHOICE • 270 Strategies • • ACLU • Action Together Massachusetttes • Action Together Network • Advancement Project • AFT • Al Otro Lado • All Out • Alliance for Justice • Alliance for Youth Action • American Constitution Society • American Ethical Union • American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) • American Sexual Health Association • Amnesty International USA • Anti-Defamation League • Arab American Institute • Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC • ASISTA • Assisi Community • Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP) at the Urban Justice Center • Asylum Seeker Assistance Project • Avaaz • Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice • Bend the Arc • Beyond the Bomb • Brave New Films • Campaign for Southern Equality • Caring Across Generations • CASA in Action • Center for American Progress Action Fund • Center for Biological Diversity • Center for Gender and Refugee Studies • Center for Reproductive Rights • Center for Victims of Torture • Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. • chicago women take action • Children's Defense Fund-Texas • Church World Service • Clean Water Action • Coalition of Labor Union Women • Coalition on Human Needs • Congregational UCC Greensboro • Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) • Constitutional Accountability Center • Council on American-Islamic Relations • Courage Campaign • Credo • Crooked Media • Daily Kos • DC Immigration Hub • DC Teens Action • Define American • Democracy Initiative • Disciples Center for Immigration and Refugees • Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries • Dulles Justice Coalition • Earthjustice • End Rape on Campus • Equal Voice Action • Equality Labs • Every Voice • Faith in Public Life • Families Belong Together • Families USA • Feminist Majority Foundation • FIRM • Food & Water Watch • Foreign Policy for America • Friends of the Earth • Fuse Washington • Gamliel • Global Exchange • Global Fund for Children • GreenLatinos • Greenpeace • Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network • Harness • HeadCount • Health Care Voter • Hispanic Federation • Human Rights Campaign • Human Rights First • IfNotNow • Immigration Hub • In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice Agenda • Indivisible • Japanese American Citizens League • Jewish Voice for Peace • JStreet • JWI • KIPP • Latin America Working Group • Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund • Latino Victory Foundation • LatinoJustice PRLDEF • Lawyers for Good Government • Leadership Conference of Women Religious • League of Conservation Voters • League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) • LGBTQ Task Force • Little Lobbyists • MALDEF • MarchOn • Moms Rising • Muslim Advocates • NARAL • National Alliance to End Sexual Violence • National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) • National Iranian American Council • National Justice for Our Neighbors • National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health • National Network to End Domestic Violence • National Nurses United • National Organization of Concerned Black Men • National Partnership for Women & Families • National Women’s Law Center • NCJW • NDWA • NEA • NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice • Network of Spiritual Progressives • NextGen America • NSEA • One Billion Rising • Organizing for Action • Oxfam America • Pantsuit Nation • ParentsTogether • People Demanding Action • People For the American Way • People's Action • Planned Parenthood Federation of America • Poligon Education Fund • Positive Women's Network-USA • Presbyterian Church (USA) • • Priorities USA • Public Citizen • Race Forward • Rainforest Action Network • Really American • Resistance Labs • Rock the Vote • SALDEF • Sanctuary for Families • SEIU • SIECUS • Sierra Club • Sister District Action Network • Sojourners • South Asian Americans Leading Together • Southern Poverty Law Center • Stand Up America • Sum of Us • Tax March • The Leadership Conference • The Workmen’s Circle • Together We Will Contra Costa • Truman National Security Project • UltraViolet • UnidosUS • Unitarian Universalist Association • Unitarian Universalist Service Committee • Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ) • United State of Women • United We Dream • US Campaign for Palestinian Rights • • Voto Latino • Washington Office on Latin America • Win Without War • Women Employed • Women's March • Women's Refugee Commission • Workplace Fairness • Youth Caucus of America • YWCA USA