Tyrus on Greg Gutfield one night: Everyone is a socialist until they start earning their own money.
Money anons: Can you start with the announced goals of the Democratic Socialists of America and their poster woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and figure out the per capita or per family cost of fulfilling those promises? This info should be distributed on every college campus and every trade school at a minimum.
Calculations for increased size and cost of government to implement these programs would also be good.
DSA goals:
"Toward Freedom: Democratic Socialist Theory and Practice
A democratic community committed to the equal moral worth of each citizen will socially provide the cultural and economic necessities—food, housing, quality education, healthcare, childcare—for the development of human individuality.
A Social and Economic Bill of Rights
For all citizens to flourish in a democratic society, they must be guaranteed such basic human needs as high-quality education, health care and security in old age. These goods are provided to every member of most democratic societies not by purchase on the private market, but through equitably financed, high-quality public goods and social insurance."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez https://www.ocasio2018.com/issues
Medicare For All
Federal Jobs Guarantee
Housing As A Human Right
Higher Education for All
Support Seniors
I do agree with her that Glass- Steagall should be reinstated to to protect main street banks from the risks of commercial/international bank gambling with derivatives.