Just one question for you chemtrail retards…
In the past 60+ years… we have seen technological innovations that blow the mind. We have spray on sunscreen now FFS. Technology has changed such that the propellants in spray cans have gone from being billowing and white (think AquaNet hair spray), to being invisible.
What you all want ME to buy, without question, is that these fucking government actors… all evil with and nefarious, trying to do horrible awful things to the population… from sterilization, to mind control… couldn't figure out in the past 60 years how to make a delivery system that isn't fucking OBVIOUS to everyone?
AND, you're trying to convince me of that AFTER THEY ALREADY KNOW there's a whole bunch of you retards out there with their eyes on the skies… looking for these "chemtrails"… noticing them and digging in to them… and saying to everyone who will listen, "SEE?? SEE THAT SHIT UP IN THE AIR? THAT'S A GOVERNMENT PLOT TO MAKE YOU STERILE AND CONTROL YOUR BRAIN!"…
Don't you FUCKING THINK, that maybe some government guy would be like "Maybe we should look in to making our super secret mind control sprayers STOP making these billow cloud-like things, so the sheeple won't be able to see them anymore?"
IN SIXTY FUCKING YEARS OR MORE, these evil geniuses couldn't figure that little bit out?
Which is it? Are they evil geniuses, or are the so fucking stupid they can't figure out how to stop their evil from being seen by millions of people?