Why are "NEWSMAKERS" 50% off?
They better watch out….. if there's a law to arrest them then they get arrested.
yeah like EBS activation
I got a test last week sometime
all it said was TEST
so it's all ready if they don't play the game.
it was a STRESS TEST for the internet because as soon as he said that they tried to shut the internet down.
I've been here quite awhile. This place is full of fucking idiots today.
Still being attacked…..
what the hell is that?
cool not completely familiar with gun parts…. ironically as a good friend of mine was a gunsmith for 30 years.
Baker- Notable……
post still under anonoymous just used the subject line?
>I Really Do Care
Did they give their last penny to support the cause?
Remember the old woman in the bible who Jesus said she'd given the last of what she had?
If they didn't then they don't actually care.
what if it was a signal from the black hats to the white hats that they could shut the internet down if they wanted to? Were any EBS tests done in the affected areas during this time?
kek I was trying to figure out where the hell various things go….. this one is subject only