"NewAgeLightshillfag" and "pleadianfag" shills are mostly one and the same, because the time-shifted (fifth dimensional) region of space located in the Pleiadian star cluster houses advanced spiritual extraterrestrial civilizations of Light that feel a connection to Earth.
Please read.
Q exposed as "pleadian newagelightfag".
Disclaimer: this was said in a joking manner. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own way of seeing things, and everyone should read crumbs too.
Correct. This is about good vs evil, and we are living in a big universe. But some have already transcended duality, so I simplify for the average anon.
we'll see. Keep a close eye on people. Trust is not blind.
There have been worse blackouts, prior to the server upgrade. Remember when thumbnail generating server went down, and videoembed baker saved the day?