Anonymous ID: 9e0847 Oct. 9, 2023, 9:07 a.m. No.19701071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1191



>Ever heard of a buddist jew…

Do you mean a Jewdist? Actually the Buddhist org I used to belong to has a lot of Jews in their top leadership positions. I really noticed during the Pandemic when they started saying we need to be Global Citizens and they were obeying the government and banning meetings, even saying we couldn't meet in peoples homes. It was completely opposite of what the Org was founded on, when one of it's founders died in prison because he disobeyed the Imperial Japanese Government and refused to have a Shinto Talisman during his meetings. When his disciple was rel;eased from Jail he was grateful for the United States because they brought Freedom of Religion and they didn't need the Shinto Talisman, and here was this Jewish "Leadership" Kowtowing to the Government, they even required Vaccinations to attend their community centers.