This I found to be a most interesting take anon had last bread. So much so I took a screen cap. I myself am not a biblical scholar but try to stay in the word. Sadly I miss a lot.
Bible fags have any thoughts on this?
My bad, here's the tag >>19699848 (Lb)
I prayed in the dawns early light for God to bless & protect you DJT.
Godspeed good sir! o7
The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers. Are they planning an att๏ฟผack within our Country? Crooked Joe Biden and his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us!
11:17 am ET
>>19700925 - with missing space
>>19700855 - from PC showing ๏ฟผ symbol (same on Droid)
>>19700942 - on iPad not showing space or ๏ฟผ
Hi Dan
Trump post "attack" bun
He sorta gloats but hey he was right.
Why? oh nevermind, kek