Anonymous ID: 142ad8 Oct. 9, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19701446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1492 >>1800

President Trump: This [The Snake] has to do with borders. It has to do with bad people coming in. It has to do with people coming in from jails, and mental institutions, and now it even pertains to Israel.

Anonymous ID: 142ad8 Oct. 9, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.19701497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1673 >>1707

President Trump: When I was Commander in Chief, we reduced the Iranian economy, and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal, imposed the toughest ever sanctions on the regime, and imposed a strict travel ban to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. And now they're pouring in to our country. Joe Biden undid it, he undid it all, and gave billions and billions of dollars to the world's top sponsor of terror, tossing Israel to the bloodthirsty terrorists and jihadists.

Anonymous ID: 142ad8 Oct. 9, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.19701539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1545 >>1564 >>1673

President Trump: This problem was caused, in my opinion, by his boss, Barack Hussein Obama….It's caused by Obama. That's the boss of Crooked Joe, and his people who are running the White House. His people are running the White House. And they are running these viscous witch hunts and investigations on me, because I don't think Biden knows what the hell he is doing….even the judge I have in Washington, happens to be an Obama appointee.

Anonymous ID: 142ad8 Oct. 9, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.19701594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1673

President Trump: The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never, ever, be allowed to happen on American soil, except for the fact that we have now allowed tens of thousands of probable terrorists into our country. We have people coming; men, coming in from China, by the thousands. Men, not women, men coming in by the thousands. We have ,men coming in from the middle-east by the thousands and thousands, and they let them come in, just come right in. There's something going on, and we gotta be careful. We need smart leadership. If we don't have smart leadership, we're not going to have a country any longer….the same people that attacked Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA throughout our totally open southern border. They're coming in at record levels. And they're planning, I don't know, maybe they're planning, are they planning an attack on our homeland? I guess maybe that could happen, couldn't it, huh?…Crooked Joe Biden, and his boss, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us.