Anonymous ID: 22ea8d Oct. 9, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.19701308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1326 >>1329

Cult of Ba’al stages mass sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians in doomed attempt to get money


Benjamin Fulford Mon 10/9 Excerpt:


Here is the real story of what happened behind the scenes according to Mossad, MI6 and Russian FSB sources.


The head of MI6, who happens to be Jewish, said “The KM have always used the Jewish people and Judaism as a human shield for their satanic and nefarious purposes. They are a deeply rotten, well-known and well hated bunch of creeps. We went on false flag footing nearly instantly after hearing about it.”


Mossad sources agreed noting the Gaza Strip and West Bank were so thoroughly monitored by the Israelis that not even a grain of rice can enter there without them knowing about it. In other words, the massive attack on Israel by Hamas had to have been orchestrated by Netanyahu and his minions.


A Russian FSB source described the situation as follows:


About 60 people including Biden and his son, Hillary and her team, they all know they will go to jail if they lose the Ukrainian war. So, to save their asses they need some “victory” and Ukraine is not suitable for that while China-Taiwan is too risky so, they chose to destroy the Palestinians…Hamas is part of the plan of moving Israel to the land of Ukraine. Basically, the war in Israel and Ukraine is one. The Zionists want to have a bigger land far away from Iran and other Muslim countries so the Ukrainian territory was chosen to relocate Jews there after the destruction of Israel…In the past 18 months, about half a million Ukrainians died. In the war 3.5 million Ukrainians migrated to Europe and 2.5 million to Russia. So in total, the population has been reduced by 6.5 million. The population of Israel is 9.3 million so the war in Ukraine will be over in 2025 when another 3 million die. Then the new Khazaria will be built on the spilled blood.

Anonymous ID: 22ea8d Oct. 9, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.19701567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1673


Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 "countries" that were spontaneously made up into "existence."


*Balfour Declaration - 1917

The British Chancellor GAVE Lionel Rothschild a5%piece of Palestine.

However, European Jews were satisfied living in Europe with European wealth, culture, food, arts, entertainment etc.

Why would they want to leave their comfortable lives and move to a barren desert?


The Rothschilds needed to create a Reason to make Euro Jews to populate his "Israel".

Hence, the Jewish Bankster financed Marx, Hitler WWII to drive Euro Jews to immigrate to the newly created "Israel" in 1947.


Israel is literally the property of the Rothschilds.


Israel has about the same population as New York City. The US corrupt Congress currently gives Israel $3.8 billion per year. Why?


The Creation of "Saudi" Arabia

For millennia, Arabia was Arabia. Then in 1932 it became "Saudi Arabia". The only country in the world named after one family.

I've seen research that shows that the Saudi royal family are Donmeh Jews.


* March 3, 1938 - Suddenly PETROLEUM is discovered in Saudi Arabia, making the Saudi family future Trillionaires.


Interesting how in the past 85 years, the Khazarian Cabal owned ZOG gov't of the US has never invaded Saudi Arabia to steal their oil resourses….