Anonymous ID: 8d35e2 Oct. 9, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.19704113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4129

White Hats on Saturday confirmed to Real Raw News that Barack Hussein Obama, long suspected of running the Deep State from abroad and pulling the strings of the entire Biden regime, had at least one clone, and possibly many more.


United States Special Forces on Friday killed a three-man Secret Service detail that had been protecting what appeared to be Hussein Obama as the quartet strolled the sands of Falmouth Heights Beach, Massachusetts, a ferry ride away from the Obama’s Martha’s Vinyard fortress.


The previous day, U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) intercepted an unencrypted email from Tina Tchen, Executive Vice President of the Obama Foundation, to Connecticut House Rep Jim Himes (D). In the letter, Tchen said she was writing at the bequest of “President Obama,” who wanted Himes to know he would be taking an exercise jog in Falmouth the following afternoon and that Himes was welcome to join him, if his schedule allowed.


…..Special Forces Unalive Obama Clone | Real Raw News


“We have the remains—some bones, teeth,” our source said. “The burning thing is a failsafe we hadn’t seen before. We know they can be programmed during maturation and recalled when they near expiration, but this is new to us. I don’t know if we’ll learn much from what little’s left.”


We asked our source a burning question, no pun intended: How does a clone mimic a human without realizing it has no genitals?


“These abominations are hatched in cylinders by some truly evil men. They are not of God. We don’t have all the answers,” he said.


In closing, we asked whether Rep. Himes ever arrived at the beach.


“No sign of him. If he had, he’d likely be dead right now.”



Special Forces Unalive Obama Clone | Real Raw News

Anonymous ID: 8d35e2 Oct. 9, 2023, 4:57 p.m. No.19704129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4171 >>4178



White Hat liaisons embedded in Donald J. Trump’s business properties have detained a Trump Organization employee suspected of illicitly accessing the company’s servers and sending stolen files to Deep State assets Leticia James and Judge Arthur Engoron, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.


The witch James is the sinister New York attorney general who vowed to destroy Trump as part of her campaign pledge in 2019, and Engoron is the feeble liberal judge presiding over James’ frivolous case, which alleges the president defrauded banks and financial institutions by overvaluing properties to secure loans, a claim Trump has vehemently denied and demonstrably disproven. Engoron is also chummy with Jill Biden, having twice attended her birthday parties in Delaware—a fact the MSM conveniently ignores. Engoron also visited the Oval Office seven times during Hussein Obama’s unstoppable eight-year reign of terror. His and James’ ties to the Deep State prove they are working alongside the regime to prevent President Donald J. Trump’s re-ascension to his rightful place in the Oval Office—behind the Resolute Desk.


And their minions are many.


On October 5, a carefully vetted security guard at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas was patrolling the 1st floor when he spotted an ajar door that opened into the building’s climate-controlled server room. Inside, he saw what he took to be a technician performing after-hours maintenance on a terminal, who got spooked and bolted past the guard and into the hallway. He dashed to the stairwell with the guard, who had radioed for help, in pursuit.


A security team intercepted the wayward ‘technician’ in the staircase and identified him as hotel employee Chester Dominguez, a pastry chef who had worked at a different Trump Organization property before signing on with the Vegas Hotel in April. They found on him a portable SD card reader and the RFID card he had used to open the server room door.


“Those cards are tightly controlled. They’re not programmed like room keys are at registration. There’s only a certain number out at any given time, and the frequency is changed periodically. All known cards were accounted for, so we don’t know how he got his, especially since he doesn’t want to talk,” our source said.


The SD card found on Dominguez held the hotel’s incoming and outgoing financial transactions over the last three years, nothing conspicuously unusual and nothing that wasn’t already a matter of public record.


A comprehensive background check suggested Dominguez was who he seemed to be: a top-notch pastry chef and Culinary Institute of America graduate. He had no criminal record besides a few traffic citations.


When the president’s people searched Dominguez’s Henderson, NV, apartment, they found hard copies of financial reports from the Trump Organization property he had previously worked at, Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago. They also found a physical address book with telephone numbers to Leticia James’, Judge Angoran, and special counsel Jack Smith’s offices.


“Strange a cook would need those, huh? President Trump has nothing to hide, so we don’t know what this guy was looking for. There’s always a chance he could’ve put something malicious on the network, and that’s being checked. We tried, how should I put this, some gentle persuasion on Dominguez, but he hasn’t broken.”


Asked what President Trump plans to do with the cyberthief, he added, “His status right now is ‘detained’ until further notice.”



Deep State Spy Caught at Trump Vegas Hotel | Real Raw News

Anonymous ID: 8d35e2 Oct. 9, 2023, 5:28 p.m. No.19704350   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Gerald Ford Carrier Battle Group dropped anchor in the Mediterranean Sunday night in a repudiation of the criminal Biden regime’s authority over United States military assets, with senior leadership saying they would not follow questionable orders that could needlessly endanger sailors and plunge the nation into an international conflict, high-ranking military sources told Real Raw News.


On Sunday the fake president and his criminal associates—fraudulent Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, corrupt Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Brown, and alleged pedophile John Kirby—announced they were sending warships to the Mediterranean Sea in response to Hamas’ rocket attack on Israel.


The carrier and its escorts are tantamount to a floating fortress, including 7,500 sailors across six surface ships, each able to start or thwart a war, and two fast-attack submarines reportedly armed with nuclear-tipped torpedoes. Its precise location in transit is kept secret for operational security, and even media aboard the ships are forbidden from broadcasting its whereabouts. However, sources told RRN the strike group was within an arm’s reach, figuratively, of Israel when Vice Adm. Thomas Ishee, Commander of the 6th Fleet, issued a fleetwide announcement to drop anchor and await further orders.


Sources said Ishee and the strike group captains held a video conference to discuss the Middle East crisis and the Biden regime’s illegitimacy. Four captains said Biden had stolen the 2020 presidential election and, therefore, his orders were invalid and unconstitutional, while two expressed uncertainties over which president–Trump or Biden–was commander in chief of the Armed Forces. Ishee said National Command Authority, a term used by the DOD to refer to the ultimate source of lawful military orders, had been compromised and that only Donald Trump, President Donald J. Trump, had the power to mobilize the fleet.


The intricacies and nuances of the conversation are unknown to Real Raw News, but we were told that after a two-hour conference, all six captains supported Ishee’s decision and told crews the ships would hold fast until further notice. At this time, RRN does not know if the ships’ captains gave crews their reason for issuing “all-stop” orders.


Our source said Ishee spoke with four Republican House Armed Services Committee members and House Judiciary Committee Chairperson Jim Jordan before conferring with the captains.


“The battle group has the support they need. It’s important to understand this isn’t about Israel or Hamas or picking sides; it’s about if a criminal and a make-believe president controls billions of dollars of hardware and service members’ lives. If President Trump tells them to go, they go. If he tells them to turn around, they turn around. It’s as simple as that. His is the deciding voice, not the cabal’s. The sailors on those ships will respect that. But some people on the Gerald Ford didn’t like it when the ship stopped,” our source said.


When Gerald Ford came to a dead stop, an on-board MSNBC film crew demanded answers. They harassed the ship’s command master chief and executive officer, demanding to speak with the captain. “Why are we stopping? We must get to Israel. Who gave this order? Does President Biden know about this?” Their cameras were confiscated, and they were tossed in the brig.


President Trump, our source said, has been apprised of the development.


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Carrier Strike Group Drops Anchor; Defies Biden Regime! | Real Raw News