Merry Precipice!
Bet Poland & Japan are the Only places that don't have a Sleeper Cell Problem
It would Be Interesting to me
to Compare what those that are Posting "kill kill kill" & "War war war" Today
To what those same people posted during the Plandemic
Emotional Pleas are the most effective at gaining public sympathies for what ever psyop is being presented
Just look at all that Division
Is anyone on the side of the Civilians caught in the Cross Fire?
Anons can't be Deprogrammed
How do [y]ou like them apples
Gotta have the HEK 293 or it's just not the same
Bet there was some Insider Trading that Happened before the "Invasion"
Akchually Ukraine is a Special Operation not a war
This won't age well
could have built a Wall on the Southern Border for that price