God doesn't rule the universe and God only has power to create and destroy. The Universe is larger than this solar system and there are billions of other entities that have their own powers and the wars going on have been for billions of years.
There are populations of "humans" on Earth that are not sanctioned by God but put here for nafarious reasons to be removed to better places for them. The rules for the universe are dictated by whomever rules the universe and the timing of the changing of the ruler of the universe is governed by astrological ages (every 2000 years give or take) and we are currently in a transition ends on Dec 31, 2023 at which time we will be fully in the aquarian age with a new ruler of the universe. Things should get better but it will be messy and there will be a significant population reduction (60%). Stay in the message of jesus even if you don't believe in spirit entities.