Q ID: c6cba6 Gaslighting Oct. 10, 2023, 12:20 a.m. No.19706274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


B-tier gaslighting, decent camera control but when you dub in sound and switch camera angles you're supposed to adjust the sound volume or at least timing between switches. Did you steal that from the Nazi march 15 years ago. because it sounds like it and the sound pattern looks similar. It's almost as bad a accusations of the telephone of 1 Israeli women being raped, to dozens, to hundreds based on a hostage that has several times been recorded as being safe and well feed so HAMAS has your propaganda game pegged.


For the ones saying it, No it's not a Israel proposal to have you move to SA, it's mine and I saw it because I know you could be protect there. I was forced out of my hold and had to stay in hiding for over a decade for creating an obvious piece of technology so I don't say it lightly or in ignorance. Remember a house is just a house a home is where is a community, if you think you're defending your house when there will be no one left alive then you've missed what a home is. Also it wasn't a tent I ran the numbers to move out every Palestinian and put them in a $50,000 home it would cost half a trillion under US cost actual could probably about 200 billion. Considering the US needs to offload about 15 trillion in paper just to keep from collapse I see no reason this shouldn't be achieved, China has a massive need to build so they can keep from collapsing so I'm shocked the both of them hasn't see these kind of projects as a opportunity out of their dilemmas.


Some people are trying to promote this conflict as a religious war when it clearly isn't the religious Jews don't support Israel, sure they will say different in public but in their whispers they don't support what Israel is doing. If you continue with your carpet-bombing you can expect to be treated no different than Nazis were after WW2 the "Jewish Victim Card" is gone to the view every moderate watching this because that conversation ended with carpet-bombing religious centers.

Also I already told you No God is in support of those desecrating the dead you think we wouldn't see your IDF troops pissing on or dead Palestinians, beating and abusing the dead?

Q ID: c6cba6 Israel Oct. 10, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.19706793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seems smug for people to think they "know more" about what's going on in Israel/Gaza when they are relying on an obviously unrelated video.

You need specialized planes to launch paratroopers, HAMAS used motorized paragliders.

People also need to stop talking about "what happened 70 years ago" when they are talking about peoples homes that are stolen by Israel 1-2 years ago through what they are calling "settlement".

Does this video look 70 years old to you?



It's also very clear the attempt to divide is still strong you're being shown Tweets and videos of Muslims saying "kill all Jews" but aren't being shown all the Israel accounts saying "There are no humans in Gaza, kill them all". This kind of rhetoric helps nobody it's only useful to fuel tensions.

Have you noticed how with 0 credibility news organizations are reporting Israeli rapes and citizens being killed but ignore the rapes and killing of Palestinians going on? That have been going on for years.

Did you notice how the politicians of the Republican party just before the war bought a lot of stocks in war weapons producers that sell to Israel, and oil ect stocks that would benefit from a war in the middle east?

Did you notice not only was Israel warned of a upcoming attack but what was attacked there were no guards, the equipment just happened to not be turned on that would have given some warning?

Qatar bank isn't that the same one Obama/Hillary was using to fund US terrorist?

If "bombing civilian houses and religious/community centers" are necessary to eliminate terrorist, even though they have to explain how the "backwash" works, then what was the point of sending out thousands of text messages to families telling them to go there before you bombed it?

I guess you can't demand reparations if there's no one left alive to collect.


Also, like I said Religious Jews in general don't support Israel, and Israelis have cut off water and food to those who oppose Netanyahu

There are many Jews who stand with Palestine for various social/religious reasons. Just research Jews against Zionism or Jews against Israel.


The question as to why HAMAS says there's no "non-combatants" is because It's a requirement for all Israeli/permeant residences to serve in the army 2 years and be open to conscription for up to 40 years old. 26% of Israelis also have duel citizenship, So when they say "they were citizens of X nation" you have to ask were they also Israelis?

It's a direct violation of Islam to target children or the elderly.


Lastly I'm not "listening to the left" I'm doing what I always do read primary sources and listen to people in the middle of it, Gaza/Israel. So "the left is lying" they always do it doesn't mean whatever they are twisting/using doesn't have a source of truth.