Or hes going to go medieval….Like as in kill them
Its not an X its an Inverted Othala. Othala and Isa Ancestry and Ice. Inversion is to pervert its meaning to make it opposite. Your fellow Patriots and Military and Norse Pagan. As am I, they wear the correct version on there arms. Do not get it confused. Inversion is also what they do to the cross for Satanic purposes.
Jews are Nazis Ashkenazis. The only Jews who died are the ones in the Ukraine. Or the ones who died fighting in the War. ZERO Germans tried to kill the Jews. It was the Russians. Nice try Kike! ISRAEL IS LAST REMEMBER THAT!
I dont think you meant to [you] me
Your fake pictures are the only revision. And David is a Kikes name…..David. Also a fake Kike he never existed either Top fucking Kek!
You're very welcome
Pure evil
Doubt it but it does look like him Top Kek
Thats because these fucking Normies need to stop being Niggerfags and grow the fuck up. He came here for a reason he knows what we are. PC is dead! Racism is fake! And thats what you faggots need to realize
Its Othala and Isa inverted for the 100th time. Lurk Moar. Satanists invert things to chnage the meaning like a cross. Its called a bind Rune not a sigil. Sigil is Christian.
Othala is Odins rune. Satanists pervert our symbols. Loki is mischievous not evil. Satan is a Jewish concept not Norse. Loki is not bad all the time he is more like a little shit than evil.