Anonymous ID: 15fdd7 June 30, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.1971189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1309

Themes: Nazis - Freemasonry - CIA - Project Paperclip - Project MK Ultra - Project Monarch


In September 1946, President Harry Truman authorized "Project Paperclip," a program to bring selected German scientists to America during the mass deception campaign dubbed "Cold War".


Through this operation, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi research, particularly MK-ULTRA.


Samauel Klaus, the State Departments representative on the JIOA board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were "ardent Nazis", possibly the inner circle.


By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. 


Some notable names name include Arthur Rudolph, show-ready Werner von Braun ( who became NASA's associate administrator ), Kurt Blome, Reinhard Gehlen, Walter Schreiber, Hermann Becker-Freysing, Sigfried Ruff, Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp.


Freemason Licio Gelli is the powerful leading figure of the Nazis who were brought to America though Paperclip. Gelli formed and led the P-2 Lodge, a 2,400 member secret Masonic Lodge which did not take orders from any Grand Lodge and was supplied with a monthly sum of $10 million by the CIA. The P-2 Lodge only catered to the elite.


Gelli had ties to Benito Mussolini, the head of the Vatican Bank Roberto Calvi, armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, high-ranking military officials, newspaper editors, television and top business executives and key bankers.


He was the central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic Lodges, Vatican, Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian government and several international banks. He was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron and Muammar Qaddafi


Paperclip effectively created a subgroup of Nazis in America who were very powerful Freemasons and who became part of the CIA. These agents were responsible for the refinement of the trauma-based techniques under Project MK Ultra, later terminated due to publicity and converted into the highly classified Project Monarch.

