Anonymous ID: 36b57b June 30, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.1970846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0932 >>0962

The Great Awakening or The Great Reset? You choose.


It’s become apparent to this Anon that Q / POTUS have made it abundantly clear that they all have given their lives over to God. Moreover, I keep wondering about how our gubbermint, country and currency will “look” after we make it through to the “other side”.


Today, it struck me that the ONLY thing I could really control was how I will “look” after I come through the other side. Do I want to be more spiritual, more patient, kinder, more giving and forgiving?


The thought that immediately followed was, “Hey, Kid, become the light you want to be.”


So, I will (and I am).


Please allow me to ask you the same question: “Are you willing to take full advantage of the greatest shift in human consciousness to become a better version of you, or are you willing to settle for staying the same?”


In my own path of personal discovery and growth, I’ve learned to ask myself VERY DIFFICULT questions, knowing I will most likely hate the answers I get in return.


Here are some questions I’m now asking myself:


• “Do I want to become more patient or impatient?”

• “Do I want to become a gentle teacher/mentor to ‘new’ arrivals or respond with ‘Lurk moar’ or ‘KYS newfag’?”

• “Do I want to wear my ego on my sleeve and allow it to create barriers between me and God (and other people) or do I choose to check my ego at the door before entering into conversations and writing posts?”

• “Do I want to lead by personal power or position power?”

• “Do I want my words and actions to raise other’s vibrational levels or lower them?”

• “Do I want God to welcome me home or ask me why I turned away?”

• “Do I want to reach down and pull the next person up or stand on top of the mountain and pound my chest?”

• “Do I want to be perceived as the smartest person in the ‘room’ or the most eager student?”


Fellow Anons, we are being gifted a very rare opportunity to “reset” ourselves!


Who (and how) do you wish to be in just one short year from today?


Love you faggots, one and all!


Beer at the parade!

Anonymous ID: 36b57b June 30, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.1971023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1031 >>1049 >>1065 >>1086 >>1381 >>1606


Let's imagine this was your first week or so.


Would you have the time to read every Q crumb (about 1,640), learn every code word they use, read all the notables, read most of the breads and then make your first inquiry?


Didn't think so.


When in doubt, choose to NOT be a dick.

Anonymous ID: 36b57b June 30, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.1971182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1253


I wrote the post, and your reply freaked me out.


About 3 hours prior to writing it, I got a text from my BFF needing me to chat with him while he drove truck to help keep him awake. We were talking about TGA and I said…


"The main problem is that we are spiritual beings that have been trained to live as animals. We consume, procreate, fight and exist in our 'lower vibrations' and this is exactly what the cabal wants and needs to flourish. The day we (quoting Wayne Dyer) realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience is the beginning of The Great Awakening."


FellowFriendAnon, I appreciate your insightful reply and hope to buy (and share) a beer for you at the parade.


May God bless you and yours!

Anonymous ID: 36b57b June 30, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.1971405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I watched it get "stuck" around 187,000 views for at least 18-24 hours a couple days ago.


Definite fuckery afoot.


This must be WAY bigger than the cabal wants anyone to know.