Anonymous ID: cd0e6e June 30, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.1971408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1430

how media matters stole the Q movement

like every psyop fed to us

they hook you in with truth

they they start to feed you bullshit

they steer you into the direction they want you to move

all the while protecting themselves

pysop operators aka spooks who have been

doing this their entire lives come to a point

where they don't even know which character they play is their real persona anymore


for people to actually believe that this time

that this time for their 2012 global awakening

it's not memorex

it is real


Rotchilds are playing both sides

with soros and the rest of them


history is being repeated

how soon people forget their history


GD FAGGOT twoofers

nothing but Actor spooks

same as msm

some of us didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday


the over emphasis of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fags

makes this board moldy