Anonymous ID: 5aac33 whirled peas Oct. 10, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.19708001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

if anon never hears about 'israel' and 'palestine' again, it will be too fucking soon… those fucking hippie killing rock throwing paragliding sand joggers who 'surprised' the most military surveilled regime in the fucking world were all MO$$@D and we all know it… they finally got sick of Zelensky laundering all their money…. our 911, give us a fucking break, ''your 911" was that actual real thing and anons know who did it and why…. ffs, see Richard Pearle internal US gov doc claiming 'we need a new Pearl Harbor'… months before ykw did 911… it's all the usual suspects and no, not a muhjooshill, in favor of glassing the entire region….. it's the only way to be sure… oh and check all the MIC stocks over the last couple days… they had been driven down over the last couple months because everyone sick of laundering money though jewkraine… and then suddenly crazy spike in the last week… hmmmm… all wars are bankers wars and who dat? .. praying for the meteor at this point…. rant over … jk, just keep spreading truth peace and love anons…. it's all we can do… godspeed y'all, headed to the beach to snorkel with the turtles…