Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.19708459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8608

Forget Israel, think about America

Ben Bergquam: “Every Time I come To The Border, It’s Worse”. We are catering illegals to come in



Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19708495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“How Long Until Gaza Happens Here?”: Sam Faddis Speaks Truth To The U.S. Border-Terrorist Crisis.Sam says its only by the Grace of God the US doesn’t have a Gaza situation that has not happened in America.We have illegals from well known countries of terrorists hotbeds from our Southern BorderSam is sick and tired of these declared wars with NO END in sight, that kill our sons and daughters. He does not believe this was an Intelligence Failure.


This is Why Israel Allowed This Attack to Happen, It was to Help Bidan and Obama Keeping Power. Diversion! And a never ending war with no responsibility.




Forget Israel think about AmericaThis is why I don’t watch the videos coming out of Israel. Diverting from Americas major problems now.

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19708681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Absolutely, the middle East will always do this, read the bible. It’s never over with those who didn’t escape when they could.


Forget Israel, think about America!

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19708705   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This precipice is taking more time than the entire lifetime of earth, it may be the end of the Earth. If so, I’m ready!


Forget Israel, think about America

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19708766   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s too late they are already embedded here. Didn’t you see Bidan imported 1,000s of terrorists in 2021, and opened the borders in Jan 2020. We can stop it now but the mass deportation will take a long time, but not without casualties.


Trump’s time is now, not 14 months from now

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.19708827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8837 >>8838

Joe Biden Interviewed by Special Counsel Sunday and Today Regarding Classified Documents Removed While Vice President

October 9, 2023.1/2

According to multiple media outlets, which means the White House is staying out in front of this story, Joe Biden was interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Hur (pictured below left) about the classified documents located in his Delaware home, beach house and office in Pennsylvania. The documents stem from the time when Joe Biden was a senator and vice-president.


WASHINGTON DC – President Joe Biden has been interviewed by the special counsel team investigating how classified documents from his time as vice president ended up at his office and home, the White House said Monday night.


The interview was conducted at the White House on Sunday and Monday and was done voluntarily, the administration added.


“As we have said from the beginning, the President and the White House are cooperating with this investigation, and as it has been appropriate, we have provided relevant updates publicly, being as transparent as we can consistent with protecting and preserving the integrity of the investigation,” Ian Sams, spokesperson for the White House, said in a statement. (read more)


From AG Merrick Garland remarks (emphasis mine):


[Transcript] […] “On the evening of November 4, 2022, the National Archives Office of Inspector General contacted a prosecutor at the Department of Justice. It informed him that the White House [Counsel] had notified the Archives that documents bearing classification markings were identified at the office of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, located in Washington, D.C. That office was not authorized for storage of classified documents. The prosecutor was also advised that those documents had been secured in an Archives facility.


On November 9, the FBI commenced an assessment, consistent with standard protocols, to understand whether classified information had been mishandled in violation of federal law.


On November 14, pursuant to Section 600.2(b) of the Special Counsel regulations, I assigned U.S. Attorney Lausch to conduct an initial investigation to inform my decision whether to appoint a Special Counsel.


Mr. Lausch has served as the U.S. Attorney in Chicago since 2017. Before that, he spent more than a decade as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in that same office. I selected him to conduct the initial investigation because I was confident his experience would ensure that it would be done professionally and expeditiously.


On December 20, President Biden’s personal counsel informed Mr. Lausch that additional documents bearing classification markings were identified in the garage of the President’s private residence in Wilmington, Delaware. President Biden’s counsel informed Mr. Lausch that those documents were among other records from the period of the President’s service as Vice President. The FBI went to the location and secured those documents.


On January 5, 2023, Mr. Lausch briefed me on the results of his initial investigation and advised me that further investigation by a Special Counsel was warranted. Based on Mr. Lausch’s initial investigation, I concluded that, under the Special Counsel regulations, it was in the public interest to appoint a Special Counsel. In the days since, while Mr. Lausch continued the investigation, the Department identified Mr. Hur for appointment as Special Counsel.


This morning [January 12, 2023], President Biden’s personal counsel called Mr. Lausch and stated that an additional document bearing classification markings was identified at the President’s personal residence in Wilmington, Delaware. [More]


The timeline doesn’t make sense. What was the FBI and John Lausch doing for two months? Something is not adding up…

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19708838   🗄️.is 🔗kun




If the FBI began investigating on November 9th, and USAO Lausch began investigating on November 14th, then why were Joe Biden’s lawyers informing Laush of additional classified documents found in Delaware on December 20th? Why did the FBI and Lausch not find them?


Why were Joe Biden’s Lawyers informing USAO Lausch, on January 12th, about the third batch of classified documents? Again, where was the FBI and John Lausch?


Also, you don’t appoint a Special Counsel on the day it is announced. There had to be some discussion with Robert Hur in the lead up to the announcement.


We still don’t know what the classified documents were about, how old they are, or how many of them exist. The only thing confirmed is the documents pertain to the timeline of the Obama-Biden administration which was January 2009 through January 2017.


=•The Penn-Biden Center didn’t exist until 2018, so where were the classified documents between the time== they were taken and the time they were discovered in the office.


As Vice President Joe Biden had no authority to declassify government documents and could not possess classified documents.


Me and Suspicious Cat remain, well, suspicious…

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:14 p.m. No.19708883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9124

Joe Biden’s Brother, Frank Biden, Posted Fully Naked Pictures of Himself and Genitals on Gay Porn Dating Website


October 9, 2023 | Sundance | 370 Comments

I really don’t feel like writing about the perversions of the Biden family. However, apparently public portrayal of their “frank and beans” is a common occurrence.


Frank Biden admits to the Daily Mail that the images of him on a Gay Porn dating website are real. However, he denies the sexual solicitation angle.




I’m sorry, I can’t.. I just cannot write about this.


The whole family is just flippin’ weird and creepy. Do not click that link to the Daily Mail if you do not want the image of naked Frank Biden posing next to a toilet for an apt selfie, in your brain. It’s just wrong. Sick, weird, and deviant.


Who knows, maybe this is the “six ways to Sunday” crew firing a warning shot if Pudding Brain Biden keeps rejecting the demands to leave.


(I agree with Sundance the perversions of this family should not be viewed.I hope to God the normies that believe they are decent people are forced to look at all.)

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.19708907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8921

10 Oct, 2023 18:52

Ukraine now taking a back seat to Israel – Hungary

Preventing further escalation is the most urgent priority for European and Arab leaders, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said

The war between Israel and Hamas has overshadowed the conflict in Ukraine as the main topic of international discussion, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto declared before meeting with ministers from the Gulf states.


“After a long time, the main topic of an international consultation will not be the war in Ukraine,” Szijjarto wrote in a Facebook post on Monday. “The terrorist attack on Israel, like a lightning strike from the sky, has shook international politics.”


Szijjarto and other EU foreign ministers met on Tuesday with their counterparts from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, which together make up the Gulf Cooperation Council.


The summit in Oman was dominated by the ongoing war between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas. With Bahrain and the UAE having normalized relations with Israel in 2020 and Saudi Arabia currently in American-mediated talks to follow suit, Szijjarto warned that “the terrible events of recent days could jeopardize the results of the peacemaking effort thus far.”


The most important thing now is to prevent the escalation of the conflict,” the Hungarian diplomat wrote in a separate Facebook post on Monday. “The Arab states of the Gulf area have a key role in this, that is why the meeting of foreign ministers of the EU-Gulf states…has great significance.”


The Hungarian government has taken a similar stance on the conflict in Ukraine, with Szijjarto and Prime Minister Viktor Orban repeatedly calling for a ceasefire and peace talks, all while opposing further EU military aid to Kiev and refusing to allow Western weapons to enter Ukraine from Hungarian territory.


Hungary has also accused EU leaders of escalating the fighting in Ukraine to the detriment of its own economy and at the risk of provoking a global war.


“Every time there is a war outside Europe, the EU looks down from a moral high ground and calls for peace, negotiations and an immediate end to the violence. But when the war is in Europe, the EU fuels the conflict and supplies weapons,” Szijjarto told Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet last week.


Less than four days after Szijjarto spoke with Magyar Nemzet, the EU issued a statement condemning Hamas and backing Israel’s “right to defend itself.” The statement concluded with a call for a “lasting and sustainable peace through reinvigorated efforts in the Middle East Peace Process.” The bloc has also continued its aid payments to the Palestinian Authority.


Hamas launched a full-scale attack on Israel on Saturday, with its militants firing salvos of rockets at Israeli cities and storming Jewish settlements near the Gaza border. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by declaring a state of war and launching airstrikes on densely-populated Gaza. As of Tuesday, more than 1,000 Israelis and nearly 800 Palestinians have been killed, according to figures from each side.


(Ukraine never should have had a front seat.)

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:24 p.m. No.19708934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 Oct, 2023 18:53

Some Israeli actions ‘against international law’ – EU

Denying Gaza water, food and electricity is not appropriate, Josep Borrell has said

Israel has the right to self-defense, but some of the decisions its government has made are contrary to international humanitarian law, EU foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell said on Tuesday.

“Israel has the right to defend, but it has to be done in accord with international humanitarian law. And some decisions are contra this international law,” Borrell said in Oman, where he attended the joint meeting of foreign ministers from the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council.


Both the EU and the GCC have condemned terrorist attacks by Hamas, Borrell noted, but also condemned any attacks on civilians, demanded the immediate release of all hostages, and called for Israel to respect international law and not block the delivery of food, water or electricity to the civilian population of Gaza.


The two blocs have also asked Israel to open “humanitarian corridors” from Gaza to Egypt, so that civilians can leave the territory ahead of Israeli reprisal airstrikes.


Borrell’s remarks appeared to be a reference to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s statement on Monday ordering a “complete siege” of Gaza.


“There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,”Gallant told the Israeli media. “We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.”


Multiple media outlets also quoted Gallant as saying on Tuesday that he had “lifted all the restraints” on Israeli rules of engagement against Gaza.


Israel launched reprisal airstrikes against the Palestinian territory after Hamas, which controls much of Gaza, sent commandos deep into Israeli territory on Saturday. The three days of heavy clashes have resulted in at least 900 dead Israelis and at least 830 dead Palestinians, according to the authorities in West Jerusalem and Gaza, respectively.


Just before Gallant announced the “siege,” the EU declared it would put €691 million ($728.8 million) in aid to the Palestinian Authority under review and suspend all pending payments, citing the “scale of terror and brutality against Israel and its people” by Hamas. Borrell later “clarified” those remarks to note that aid will continue, because suspending it would amount to “punishing all the Palestinian people” and damage EU interests in the region.


(They didn’t care that much when Ukraine was doing the same, but worse by killing people in Donesk and Lughanst since 2014. Total fucking hypocrites!)

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.19708962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 Oct, 2023 18:29

Ten Russians in Israel killed or missing – embassy

The Russian nationals were among the foreign casualties of the Gaza conflict


Four Russian citizens have been killed and six more are missingafter three days of conflict between Hamas and Israel, the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv said on Tuesday. A number of foreign nationals were attending a music festival near Israel’s border with Gaza.


“According to the latest information from the Israeli side, as of 5pm on October 10, four Russian nationals – who also have Israeli citizenship – have been recorded as dead,” an embassy spokesperson told RIA Novosti. Six additional Russian nationals are listed as missing.


The updated numbers are an increase from unofficial reports on Monday evening, which indicated one dead and four missing Russians.


Hamas, a Palestinian militant group that controls much of Gaza, launched ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ on Saturday, firing rockets and sending commandos deep into Israeli territory. Among the first targets of the militants was the Nova Festival, a rave held in the desert just outside of Gaza. Many of the foreign or dual nationals at the festival were killed or taken captive.


At least 11 Americans were among those killed, including many dual nationals, the White House said on Monday.


Ten Nepalese nationals were killedin a Hamas attack on Kibbutz Alumim, four were injured and being treated in Tel Aviv, while one remained missing, the Nepalese embassy said.


Argentina reported seven of its nationals had been killedand 15 more remain missing. At least two French nationals were killed and a 12-year-old is among the 14 who remain missing and were “highly likely” abducted, according to the foreign ministry in Paris.


Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand, the UK and Ukraine have all reportedat least one of their nationals among the casualties or missing. Another British national was killed in the fighting with Hamas while serving in the Israel Defense Forces.


Israel has responded to the Hamas incursion by launching airstrikes against Gaza. As of Tuesday afternoon, it has recorded at least 900 killed and 2,600 injured. Meanwhile, Palestinian authorities in Gaza have counted at least 830 dead and another 4,250 wounded since the outbreak of hostilities on Saturday.

Anonymous ID: 763dce Oct. 10, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19709059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 Oct, 2023 09:47

Washington moving ‘illegal’ bioresearch to Africa – Moscow

Documents confirm the activities of key Pentagon contractors in several countries on the continent, the Russian Defense Ministry has alleged


The US is transferring dual-purpose biological research activities to Africa, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Monday, citing Pentagon documents.


According to Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, who leads the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, the move is in response to Moscow’s efforts to expose Washington's illegal military-biological operations. He also cited theworsening “epidemic situation near biosites in the European region.”


“The documents at our disposal confirm the activities of key Pentagon contractors on the African continent – in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa. Customers on the part of the US government are the DTRA [Defense Threat Reduction Agency], the National Security Agency, and the US Department of State,” Kirillov added.


Moscow has repeatedly accused the US of plotting biological warfare against it and other countries.


Last year, Russian UN representative Vassily Nebenzia told the Security Council that Moscow had discoveredat least 30 Ukrainian laboratories engaged in disease research, including anthrax and cholera, funded and supervised by the US. In May, State Duma Deputy Speaker Irina Yarovaya expressed concern over Washington’s interest in biological weapons, describing it as a highly concealed and unpredictable form of mass destruction that could become a global issue.


The US has denied the claims.


On Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry reiterated its previous concerns about“unauthorized” sample collection by Metabiota, which it referred to as a “key Pentagon contractor” during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.


According to Kirillov, the company’s lack of transparency, which prompted concerns from the World Health Organization, resulted in the illegal export of live Ebola virus samples to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infections.


Predictable deterioration of the disease situation near American biositesis forcing the governments of many African states to take another look at the necessity and expediency of co-operation with the United States. For example, in 2022, Metabiota operations in Africa were terminated because the company’s illegal practices raised too many questions at the level of national governments,” Kirillov claimed.


TheSan Francisco-based Metabiotawas a partner in the $200 million USAID-funded ‘Predict’ epidemiological research project, which concluded in 2019.


Several reports, including one by the Associated Press in 2016, claimed that during the 2014 Ebola outbreak the company made a series of “costly” mistakes in its efforts to combat the disease in Sierra Leone.


Metabiota employees contributed to flawed laboratory results, disrupted collaboration, and put people at risk of the deadly virus, according to the agency, which cited leaked documents and interviews with international health responders.