Reports that Hamas wasn't targeting civilians at the music festival - The IDF were shooting at Hamas FROM the crowd of civilians.
Civilians were caught in the crossfire.
Reports that Hamas wasn't targeting civilians at the music festival - The IDF were shooting at Hamas FROM the crowd of civilians.
Civilians were caught in the crossfire.
Zionists assaulted a Palestinian child and tried to burn him alive.
Let’s see what all of the concerned for Israeli IDF ravers have to say.
“Israelis have stripped Palestinian prisoners naked, murdered them and peed on their corpses.
The Palestinians are still treating the hostages kindly.”
>How can we have an Election when we're in a WAR?
Israel Defense official: There will be no building in new Gaza but just tents.
Horrifyingly, but not surprisingly, Netanyahu has partners who prefer revenge to concern for captives.
At a cabinet meeting, Smotrich said, “We have to be cruel now and not consider the captives overmuch.” This is unacceptable | Haaretz Editorial
>Is Netanyahu cleaning out Israel's Deep State?
>Wonder how many proxy wars they can juggle at one time?
>Sullivan hears the pain of his Israeli counterpart in their phone calls
Gaza is in-tents
We’re told the family was also upset that Sir Evelyn’s best friend and cousin, Lord Jacob Rothschild, didn’t perform the eulogy.
That honor went to a notably non-British pal of Lady Lynn’s, former President Bill Clinton.