World Wide Distraction Deployed
Maintain Situational Awareness
See something say something
Remain Vigilant
Remain Brave
Remain Clam
Something Big is coming
World Wide Distraction Deployed
Maintain Situational Awareness
See something say something
Remain Vigilant
Remain Brave
Remain Clam
Something Big is coming
Got any Proof of that Charlie or jus hearsay?
>illegal content and disinformation
Care to go into detail of what exactly entails Illegal Content and Disinformation?
We're on the Cusp of the Precipice
It'll take a Year for it to get to WW lll Status
Just in time for the Election!
Man who wants to legalize Raping children in the ass makes statement on current affairs
Pray for Peace
I'm on the Side of Peace
Problem Reaction Solution
Create a Boogyman
Add Negative Connotations to said boogyman
Then Attach those you don't like to the Boogyman
He'll get Mad in a Minute
Create the Problem - Check
Control the Reaction - in progress
Enact Solution - TBD
Can't Investigate Biden, We're in a War
Can't Investigate Epstein Client List, We're in a War
you Can't Impeach Biden, We're in a WAR
NATO will be Cleaved in Two by the end
Send Peace Envoys
Bring the two Parties together for Peace Talks
Do they even know that's an Option?
Anyone even going to bother?
Will anyone even Try?
Not too far into the distant future
How can we have an Election when we're in a WAR?
Screen Cap the Tweets & posts
Download the youtube Rants
it'll all be useful in the near future
and yet I have not seen one piece of Real Footage of this "carnage"
Narrative Shift in Progress
Please Stand-By
Now that the Boogyman has been established
Fake News will spend an inordinate amount of time associating MAGA to the new Boogyman