Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19708969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey’s Erdogan Accuses United States of Planning to “Carry Out Massacres in Gaza”


Turkish President Erdogan on Tuesday accused the United States of planning to “carry out massacres in Gaza” after Hamas terrorists ambushed Israel over the weekend.


The US’s so-called “NATO ally” Turkey is once again siding with Iran’s proxy army Hamas.


More than 1,600 Israelis are dead and many have been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. Hamas is threatening to execute hostages and post the killings online.


According to reports, Israeli soldiers found 40 babies slaughtered by Hamas, and some were found beheaded.


Israel responded to the ambush terror attack by bombing specific targets in Gaza.


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced on Sunday the U.S. is moving a carrier group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea.


Erdogan, the Armenian Genocide denier, is now accusing the United States of planning a genocide.


“What will [the United States] do with all its boats and aircraft around this ship? It will carry out very serious massacres by striking all of Gaza and its surroundings, dropping [bombs],” Erdogan said from Ankara on Tuesday.




NOW – Erdogan accused the United States of planning to "carry out massacres in Gaza" by sending its aircraft carrier to


— (@disclosetv) October 10, 2023


Recall that Biden’s incompetent Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday asked for Turkey’s help in negotiating a “cease-fire.”

Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19708983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Khamenei Distances Iran From Hamas Operation, Fearing Israeli Attack, As Rocket Salvo Fired From Lebanon


Update(1310ET): The Israeli army has reportedly issued an order for citizens to evacuate the Metula settlement, which lies just along the northern border with Lebanon. This after a salvo of some 15 rockets was fired from southern Lebanon in a suspected Hezbollah operation. "In response to the launches identified from Lebanese territory toward Israeli territory, IDF soldiers are currently responding with artillery fire," regional sources report. The IDF said it intercepted several of them, while most landed in open fields. Things are steadily escalating there:


A senior Israeli officer was killed in a confrontation with militants on the frontier with Lebanon on Monday, Israel's military has confirmed.


The [Israeli] military said troops and aircraft killed two "terrorist infiltrators" who had crossed into Israeli territory. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed that they were its members.


Later, at least three militants from Lebanon's Hezbollah movement were killed as the military attacked sites in Lebanon in response to mortar fire.


Still, both Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah have thus far narrowly avoided a spiral into all-out war at the Israel-Lebanon border. "What’s happening here seems to be a kind of contained tension. Lebanon is not yet a war zone. However, it’s an area of operation. But it seems it’s also a space for both sides to exchange messages," an Al Jazeera’s correspondent, Ali Hashem, has observed.


Iran, meanwhile, has been on the defensive after major US media, especially the Wall Street Journal, cited US sources who alleged Tehran supported, funded and helped plan Hamas' deadly rampage across southern Israel on Saturday. There's speculation that the Iranians fear Israel's Netanyahu government could begin targeting sites inside Iran. A regional source reports Tuesday on the unprecedented softening of rhetoric from Iran's leadership, related to Hamas and Israel as follows:


Iran’s supreme leader has strongly rejected any involvement in the Hamas movement’s surprise attack on Israel. The public maneuvering, which involved Ayatollah Ali Khamenei strikingly repeating his rejection of an Iranian role three times in a 90-second span, follows controversial claims in US media that Tehran helped plan the Oct. 7 blitz.


Speaking on condition of anonymity, a high-ranking Iranian source told that Khamenei’s remarks—his first since the Hamas offensive—may have been sparked by “him seeing the direction of the Israeli public diplomacy campaign.” Rejecting concerns of an impending Israeli attack as Khamenei’s underlying motive, the source said the supreme leader’s comments are “pre-emptive” as opposed to reactive.


Addressing the rare decision by Khamenei to be so vocal in his rejection of an Iranian role in the Palestinian blitz, a second senior source in Tehran told, “Give me one reason why he should do otherwise.” Also speaking anonymously given the sensitivity of the matter, he continued, “Why should one give them the perfect justification they need for an attack?” At the same time, the source dismissed the notion that being so explicit in rejecting a role in the Hamas attack indicates a sense of weakness on the part of Iran.

Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.19709009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Attorney Refuses to Reveal Names of “Five or Six” People Involved in Decision Not to Prosecute Hunter Biden


Matthew Graves, a Biden-appointed US Attorney for DC and the January 6 lead prosecutor, refused to reveal the names of those involved in a decision to not bring charges against Hunter Biden.


Graves told lawmakers he is “already dealing with enough threats and harassment” in the transcript obtained by Just the News.


He told lawmakers how his office did not partner with US Attorney from Delaware Dave Weiss. Weiss was eventually given special counsel status and charged Hunter Biden with federal crimes related to a gun purchase.


According to the transcript, Graves met with “five or six” people from his office in March 2022 to determine whether Hunter should be charged with tax crimes. Three weeks later Graves’ office decided not to be involved in Hunter Biden’s case, Just the News reported.

Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:38 p.m. No.19709027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058 >>9085

Unhinged Former CIA Director Michael Hayden Calls for Assassination of GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville


The former CIA Director and board member of the far-left Newsguard operation, then doubled down on Tuesday morning for good measure.


Gen. Michael Hayden: “I was surprised to wake up this morning and discover that many MAGAnuts had lost their minds over my suggestion that “Coach” Tuberville not be considered a member of the human race. I stand by that view. I’m wishing you all a nice day even the intransigent Tommy Tuberville.”


It is not the first time this unhinged leftist hurled death threats at Trump or MAGA supporters.


In August 2022 General Hayden trolled online for the execution of President Trump.

Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.19709056   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report Reveals 80% Of Retired US Generals Go To Work For Weapons Manufacturers


The revolving door between the Defense Department and the weapons industry spins — a new report offers ways to slow it down.


At a time when the Pentagon budget is soaring towards $1 trillion per year and debates about how to respond to the challenges posed by Russia and China are front and center, it is more important than ever to make an independent assessment of the best path forward.


Ideally, this would involve objective analysis by unbiased experts and policy makers grounded in a vigorous public conversation about how best to defend the country. But more often than not, special interests override the national interest in decisions on how much to spend on the Pentagon, and how those funds should be allocated.


A 2021 report by the Government Accountability Office found that 1,700 senior government officials had taken positions in the arms industry over a five year period, an average of well over 300 per year. And a new report from our organization, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, found that this practice is particularly pronounced among top generals and admirals. In the past five years, over 80% of retired four-star generals and admirals (26 of 32) went on to work in the arms sector as board members, advisers, lobbyists, or consultants.


For example, Boeing recruited the former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson following his retirement from government service. The admiral joined the company’s board of directors within two months of his retirement ceremony. Boeing was the Pentagon’s sixth largest contractor in Fiscal Year 2022, with total prime contracts awards amounting to $14.8 billion.


Another prominent example of a four-star officer going to work for a top contractor is retired Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff before he retired in September 2019. Five months later Dunford joined the board of directors of Lockheed Martin.


The most recent batch of retired four-stars are not only seeking employment with the big contractors, they are also branching out to work for small and mid-size companies that focus on cutting edge technology, like next-generation drones, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity.


For example, the former head of Africa Command, General Stephen Townsend (U.S. Army, Ret.), joined a company called Fortem Technologies, which is dedicated to airspace awareness and defense against drones. General Mike Murray, former head of the U.S. Army Futures Command, went onto the boards of three emerging defense tech firms — Capewell, Hypori, and Vita Inclinata. And both former Chief of the National Guard Bureau head Gen. Joseph L. Lengyel and former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. William K. Lescher went to work for AI firms upon leaving government service.

Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19709079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pro-Trans Lobbyists Endorse Joe Biden.


The Equality PAC, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) PAC, and the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) Action Fund have endorsed Joe Bide for reelection in 2024, insisting his “leadership is crucial now more than ever as LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency – experiencing unprecedented attacks from extremist politicians and their right-wing allies in states across the country, who are working tirelessly to erase us.” “Without question, the Biden Administration has been the strongest advocate for the needs of transgender Americans of any presidential administration in American history,” NCTE Action Fund executive director Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen said. The LGBT lobbyists seem particularly exercised by moves in some conservative-led states to stop medics from performing surgeries on minors and prescribing powerful hormones and puberty blockers to them in an attempt to “transition” them from male to female, and vice versa – a poorly evidenced experimental treatment for gender dysphoria increasingly associated with negative health outcomes. Biden’s chief rival for the presidency, Donald Trump, has vowed to pass a law “prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states” if returned to the White House, and declare “any hospital or healthcare provider participating in the chemical or physical mutilation of minor youth will no longer meet federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare – and will be terminated from the program.” He has also said he will work to establish “a private right of action for victims to sue doctors who have unforgivably performed these procedures on minor children.”

Anonymous ID: f84511 Oct. 10, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.19709120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9128 >>9129 >>9147

FOIA: Over 29,000 Emails Exist Between Biden Family Businesses and VP Biden’s Office


The National Archives (NARA) revealed that more than 29,000 emails exist between Biden family business members and then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office, a Joint Status Report obtained by Breitbart News from America First Legal (AFL) revealed Tuesday.


NARA disclosed the record of the emails after ALF filed a FOIA request on August 9, 2022. The extent to which then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office communicated with Joe Biden’s family about its ventures was unknown before the lawsuit.


Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca is a conglomerate of entities associated with Rob Walker and Devon Archer. The Biden family business received $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan linked through Rosemont Seneca, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed in August from bank records. In total, nine Biden family members received payments from the family foreign business ventures, including two of Joe Biden’s grandchildren.


James Biden’s Lion Hall Group is also under Comer’s microscope. In September, Comer subpoenaed Lion Hall Group and JBBSR, Inc., because the committee could not identify “legitimate services provided by James Biden’s companies.” Those entities received at least 20 wires totaling $1,398,999 through Hunter Biden’s entities, according to the 2020 Senate Report by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI).




Our FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives has now revealed that then-Vice President Biden's Office had:


🚨19,335 emails with Rosemont Seneca

🚨4,243 emails with Hunter Biden

🚨1,751 emails with Jim Biden

🚨3,738 emails with Jim’s Lion Hall Group


— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) October 10, 2023


NARA is expected to produce more information from ALF’s FOIA request. The Joint Status Report said NARA will continue to process 1,250 pages of potential response records each month. “[P]roduction would not be completed until August 1, 2029,” the lawsuit stated: