Anonymous ID: 4b7acb Oct. 11, 2023, 12:02 a.m. No.19712650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>19712449 me

Furthermoar, that other (You) on the other side that would be experiencing this simulation (your God given soul so you can experience life and we are ETERNAL, there is no all of a sudden we show up, then die and live eternally. It is we are alive and aware, we come into our physical bodies by choice, and we can't wait to get here, and we go back to being alive and aware of life on earth), they want to tell you that part (your soul) is your AI extension of your physical self. The part where neo is in a chair and they shove this very un-natural looking metal rod into the back of his neck? C'mon, man. That's not natural. Gawd, I hate these people. They'll blend you with that "soul" because they'll say that one over there is ackchyually the one experiencing the "simulation"/neo in the chair with the rod. They want to call that part AI extension your "consciousness" that they can burn on a chip and place inside of a robot body so you can live forever inside a fucking simulation for real that they create, while you are in a robot body. Instead of dying you can switch the robot body if you want to upgrade. Eventually they say fuck the robot body, just get into the macheen. They want to kill everything on earth n just have a simulation and have earth be a supercomputer run by AI with no human intervention. (We already can live however long we want here, but long story.. stem cells is part of it.) They want you to believe your soul is literally in their cloud and I guess the cloud is where we originated or something. They aren't saying it because member obama saying we aint bright enough to make decisions or something, but just trust them because they know what they're talking about and the science is way too complicated.