Anonymous ID: ebb111 Oct. 10, 2023, 10:53 p.m. No.19712487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2493 >>2496 >>2497 >>2534 >>2650



We are in God's Creation and it was Created by God. It is God's consciousness and he gave us some of His and we call itLIFE.. It is consciousness and it is organic.


This whole is life a simulation is because of their transhumanist agenda and it is to talk people into wanting to blend with it because "they already are." This next piece is very important: in order to experience this "virtual reality" there has to be a consciousness behind it.. there has to be one aware of it. That awareness is God or consciousness and these luciferian pieces of shit want to leave that very important piece out. Consciousness cannot be destroyed and is how Jesus resurrected and the luciferians need to deny life after death. They want to pretend this is a simulation and that real life is on the other side (which it is BUT none of it is a computer program.) They are so fucking stupid. I can't stand these lying ass pieces of shit.


And member frens, elon is a transhumanist moran, and anybody who knew God would not speak the way he does nor be involved in the shit he is involved in.