Anonymous ID: 15c6a0 Oct. 11, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19715454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5465 >>5504 >>5577

Stephen Miller



THE TRUMP DOCTRINE produced the most stable and peaceful world in modern times.


At its core, the Trump Doctrine embraces the nation-state as the organizing vehicle for international cooperation. It rejects the elite delusion that there is a distinct “international community” possessing a universal set of political values or producing meaningful attachment.


It recognizes that each sovereign nation-state has a unique history and culture and that its leader is duty bound to prioritize the interests of his people.


By putting America First we increase our common ground with other countries because they too put their people first. This basic truth eluded our “experts” for generations.


The rational pursuit of national interest is the cornerstone of peaceful foreign relations. It provides the framework for seeking mutual benefit and reciprocity.


For example, Arab states have a rational self-interest in taking cooperative steps to prevent Iran from exporting bloodshed, normalize relations with Israel, and pursue mutually beneficial commerce.


The America First Doctrine does not seek to impose its way of life on others but to advance our own — just as we would expect other nations to do.


It does not seek to nation build overseas, to spread our values at gunpoint, and will never trade our jobs for some imagined foreign policy gain. Because the Trump Doctrine recognizes that economic security is national security (and that nations won’t respect you if you do not respect yourself).


It cherishes the indissolubility of national borders — knowing that borders, properly enforced, ensure domestic tranquility, decrease global tensions, and improve camaraderie between nations.


Each of these tenets is derived from the same chief principle: that the foundation of global harmony is reciprocity and cooperation between sovereign, independent, self-governing and proud nation-states…