"MSM = propaganda tool of the D party."
No Q, that is not a true statement. The MSM, the 'parties', etc. - they are the IC's tools - and the IC is the tool of the 'creatures' that control it. This fake news stuff is not new - it’s not simply opposition to Q+. The MSM dutifully served up the IC's bullshit fiction about 911 during the Bush years - a D tool? please. The MSM protects the two party system (it protects both parties as needed), the parties protect the IC, and the IC protects the 'creatures' that control it.
"Should the bad spoil the bunch?" Good question Q. Please be honest about the status of the bunch. Good men who do nothing to stop evil may as well be evil themselves as there is no difference in outcomes. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." How 'good' is 'the bunch' that allowed 911 and heretofore have kept silent about it?
I want to believe that you are different, but statements like "MSM = propaganda tool of the D party." make me think that either you are not fully read-in or that you are just a new mask for the same old master. So, go ahead, give us something that proves that you are different, something really big, way bigger than a new 'Church Committee', a truth so powerful that it would make it impossible to go forward by merely rearranging deck chairs. Regale us with the complete/real/verifiable story of 911, give us the real/complete history of human life on this planet, tell all about Antarctica. You will not do it. I'm certain that you'll offer up some bullshit excuse about how the 'timing' isn't right. That said, i hope that you prove me wrong !