Anonymous ID: 7c3844 June 30, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.1972280   🗄️.is đź”—kun



i do not want you to answer anything that would comp mission first of all.

my questions…


  1. are we going back to gold standard


  1. is the military preparing for war with nephilim or any other dna created evil in antartica. "mens heart will fail them"


  1. is sky event related to nibiru/planetx/wormwood? "mens heart will fail them"


  1. is there going to be any big fish arrested and tried that will be public?


  1. nasa has obviously lied, the earth is not what they say, what is it.


  1. potus screams about fake news, why dont he simply repeal the bill that allows propaganda?


  1. when are you and potus going to STOP the chemtrails?????????


  1. can we please disban THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. and bring back The United States of Amrica and do away with meritime law on our land?


  1. we need to get NOAHIDE LAWS out, why is it hid in a school bill?