Anonymous ID: ed8f7e June 30, 2018, 11 a.m. No.1972083   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes Sir!

You have taught us how to fight for what is right. For Freedom. How to stand together. Just like the Persians. We now know we can win and we will win. Together, we WILL take back our country and restore her to her greatness. They will fail, not us.


Thank you Potus

Thank you Q

Thank you W&W

For all that you've done for our great country, for the world. We will never forget.


We are united for love of country.

We are united for love of fellow American.

We are united for love of those Patriots who risk life and limb for our liberties.

We are united to end the evil that controlled our country/the world.


The tide has turned. We are winning. We continue to


Justice awaits them.


God Bless these United States of America!