Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 12:51 p.m. No.19715655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5678 >>5920 >>6074 >>6242

Suspicion surrounds ex-Iran envoy Rob Malley after Israel attack: ‘Worst State Department scandal’

Josh Christenson. October 9, 20231/2

The Biden administration’s former special envoy to Iran, who was placed on leave earlier this year for allegedlymishandling classified material, should face “extensive scrutiny” for his “permissive” stance toward the Tehran regime after it aided Hamas and Hezbollah in carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel, critics said Monday.


“Rob Malley deserves extensive scrutiny — yesterday, today and tomorrow,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told The Post after the Wall Street Journal reported that officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps planned and signed off on this weekend’s atrocity that killed at least 900.


“These reports could not be more concerning, and they hint at what could be the worst State Department scandal since Alger Hiss,” Issa added.


“Malley and others created an incredibly permissive environment for Hamas, for Iran, to do all these things,” added Gabriel Noronha, a former special adviser on Iran at the State Department.


Noronha, who served under former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, said Malley and his negotiating team“purposefully funneled billions of dollars to [Iran] through lack of sanctions enforcement and provision of sanctionsrelief that has given them somewherebetween $50 [billion] and $80 billion over the last two and a half years.”


A senior House Republican aide told The Post that the cash influx followed an even more generous payout of $1.7 billion that the Obama administration made to Iran in 2016, eventually contributing to Saturday’s attack that triggered the Jewish state’s first declaration of war in 50 years.


“There is a straight line from Obama’s giveaway to Iran, to Biden’s enriching of Iran — to Iran’s war on Israel,” the aide said.


Noronha also noted theBiden administrationhadallowed for “an enormous deterrence failure”by undertaking just four operations against Iran-backed terror groups after allowing the regime and its proxies to carry out83 attacks of their own against US forces.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had revealed the muted US response to Iran-backed attacks in Senate testimony earlier this year.


On Saturday, Hamas terrorists launched the largest-scale offensive against Israel since the 1973 Yom Kippur War, firing thousands of rockets into the Jewish state and engaging in a multi-front armed invasion to kill and capture civilians.


At least 900 Israelis have been killed, thousands wounded and approximately 150 taken hostage.


The death toll includes 11 Americans, with President Biden admitting Monday afternoon that US citizens were “likely” among those kidnapped and held in Gaza.


Noronha pointed out that under theTrump administration, the US did not distinguish “between the Iranian regime killing Americans and the regime’s proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, killing Americans.”


“Either way, we would treat that as attacks by the Iranian government itself— and respond accordingly,” he said. “So now, [11] Americans, at least, are dead. Maybe a dozen-plus are being held hostage.


“There is a temptation by this administration — and they’ve been very clear — they’ve been trying to pretend this isn’t their problem,” Noronha concluded. “And the reason they’re doing that is because they don’t want their Iran policy to get screwed.”


Malley was quietly placed on unpaid leave in Junefor his handling of “protected material,” but the State Department has refrained from sharing the nature of the allegations with Congress.


In August, an Iranian media outlet leaked a memo from Erin Smart, director of the Office of Personnel Security and Suitability in the department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security,outlining “serious security concerns” with his actions.


The FBI has an “ongoing” investigation into the matter, according to the State Department.


Last month, anothertrove of leaked files revealed that three top aides to Malleywere tied to a secretiveinfluence operation by Tehran’s Foreign Ministry, according to internal Iranian government correspondence and emails reviewed by Semafor.


Noronha called theallegations against Malley “deeply troubling”but said details were scarce about his alleged breaches of US security protocols….


(Unfreaking believable)

Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.19715678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5920 >>6074 >>6242


Suspicion surrounds ex-Iran envoy Rob Malley after Israel attack: ‘Worst State Department scandal’


Watch the video (transcript below)



Defense hawks have also criticized Malley, who served an adviser on Iran policy under former President Barack Obama, for recently surfaced remarks in support of Hamas and Hezbollah.


Maley video comments: “It’s a mistake to only think of them in terms of their terrorist violence dimension,” Malley said in a 2008 interview. “It has a charity organization, a social branch; it’s not something you can defeat militarily either and people need to understand that.”


“There’s so much misinformation about them,” Malley went on. “None of them are crazies. They may do things that we consider to belong to a different realm of rationality, but within their own system it’s often very logical.”


“If Hamas is not allowed to govern, if we squeeze them, and you know you may have good reason for doing that, but if you do that, we’ll tell you what the reaction will be — rockets. No doubt,” he added. “And consolidation of Hamas’ power in Gaza. Both things have happened.”



Former Secretary of StateMike Pompeo slammed Malley== for the remarks, which resurfaced in May 2021 on X, formerly Twitter.


“Iran, a Hamas supporter, said it ‘stands behind the Palestinian struggle,’” Pompeo posted at the time. “Hamas is a terrorist organization, not a ‘charity.’ America’s negotiators must view them both as enemies — not socialites.”


Omri Ceren, a national security adviser to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), also posted Sunday that “Malley was so entangled with Hamas that Obama had to drop him as an advisor [sic] during the 2008 campaign —before later bringing him back to do Mideast policy.”


“During Biden he oversaw policyallowing Iranto get within reach ofnukes and make $100s of billions,” Ceren said, linking to a Times of Israel article about Malley being cut from Obama’s first presidential campaign.


On Monday, after the White House insisted it had not seen evidence that Iran was behind the weekend carnage in Israel, Ceren tweeted:“Team Biden again behaving as Iran’s lawyer.”


(This guy also worked under Pompeo also, there are many terrorists at the state dept. Why didn’t anyone report him?)

Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19715961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6074 >>6242

This was a really good Bongino showon Israel/Hamas but especially how terrorists are taking over the minds of the youth of the world with Marxism terrorism through pointing everyone out is a slave to the Western World, and everyone is a Victim!


BLM Just Showed Everyone What They Really Are(Ep. 2107) - 10/11/2023

Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.19715986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6243

Col. Harvey is very clear and logical on his deductions. Just the facts!

Harvey Explains How Intelligence Agencies Failed On Two Parts Preceding Hamas’ Terrorist Attack



Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 2:14 p.m. No.19716231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6242 >>6301


Harvey says it only takes 50 islamist, chinese or other terrorists, to come through our Southern Border, individuals that know what they are doing ,to create serious havoc in the US. What we have taken in and got through could easily be 1,500 or more.

Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 2:16 p.m. No.19716243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Harvey says it only takes 50 islamist, chinese or other terrorists, to come through our Southern Border, individuals that know what they are doing,to create serious havoc in the US.


What we have taken in the US and got through could easily be 1,500 or more.

Anonymous ID: df8ba1 Oct. 11, 2023, 2:30 p.m. No.19716332   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I disagree him and johnson researched all of Hunter and his fathers banking etc, and all of Senate opposed them. They did all the work for Comer and they got a lot more info.