Anonymous ID: 3fdbf9 Oct. 11, 2023, 2:57 p.m. No.19716484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6515 >>6537 >>6822 >>7035

WAYNE ROOT: The Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel is Only the Preliminary Bout. America is “the Main Event.” Here are the Details ofthe Coming Attack on America by China.


This is Part 2 of my commentary from 24 hours ago. As an American Jew, I bleed for Israel. Israel must now send a message that echoes around the world and lasts forever in the brains of Jew-haters and all those around the world who want to do harm to the Jewish people…


The world is about to learn a lesson. This isn’t 1941. No one will ever kill Jews again and live to gloat. Anywhere in world…if someone targets Jews and kills them for being Jewish…they will be hunted down and killed.


The last thing they will think before being killed by Israeli forces is “Oops, maybe attacking Jews wasn’t such a good idea.”

But everything I’m talking about is up to Israel. Right now, America needs to focus on America and our border.


Because what America is facing is a thousand times worse than what Israel just experienced.


Military intelligence and security experts analyzing what went wrong with Israel’s massive security failure are citing a “failure of imagination of what Hamas was capable of.” So, it’s time to imagine the kind of attack America is facing.


If I can imagine it, then you know China’s evil leaders are thinking it too. I believe they are planning it right now.

Here is what I believe an attack by China might look like. And I expect it soon…


First, if I was China, I’d invade Taiwan NOW. To take advantage of a world now distracted by two major wars in Ukraine and the Middle East…and plunged into chaos and crisis.


America is weak. America is led by an incompetent, brain-dead, feeble old man with dementia and diapers, who should be in a nursing home.


Worse, the Biden Crime Family (and his boss, the real President Obama) are clearly owned by China and the Chinese Communist Party. So, who is going to stop China from invading Taiwan?


America is running dangerously low on weapons and ammo- because Biden left them on the ground in Afghanistan…and gave most of the rest of our stockpile away to Ukraine. The cupboards are bare. America is weak and vulnerable.


Our military is depleted, demoralized and distracted by a focus on climate change, transgenders, diversity and Critical Race Theory. We can’t recruit anyone who wants to join a military like that.

Old, feeble, confused Biden is frozen with fear and clueless. Maybe he’ll turn for military advice to Kamala Harris, the only person in history who sits a heartbeat away from the presidency, who is dumber than a doorknob.


At this moment in time, we are incapable of mounting a serious challenge to China invading Taiwan.


Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan is not some meaningless country to America. Taiwan makes well over 90% of the advanced computer chips to run America’s cars, computers, cell phones and military equipment. If China takes Taiwan and controls the world’s chip production, it’s game over.

So, taking Taiwan is the key to enslaving America.


But that’s only Part 1 of what I’d be planning for America, if I was running China. Part 2 is even more frightening.

Biden (and his boss Obama) have left the border open. They’ve let millions of dangerous foreigners in. Most of the illegals entering our country are military-age males from China, the Middle East, and MS-13 thugs and gangbangers under the control of the Mexican Drug Cartels. This is an army of killers now roaming around our country.

If I was China, I’d order this army into action- to paralyze America with low-tech violence and terrorism- just like the Hamas terror attack in Israel.


There’s no need for another 9-11.


If I was China, I’d send “hit squads” of 100 killers to airports, train stations and supermarkets in twenty major U.S. cities at the exact same time- to walk in with assault rifles, machine guns and grenades. Think of the fear and hysteria from seeing thousands of murdered Americans in twenty different cities across the USA. All at the same time.All that takes is 100 killers times twenty. That’s only an army of 2,000 killers needed. China has sent tens of thousands of military-age males across our open border. Biden, Kamala and Mayorkas have welcomed them in like family- with no background checks.


There’s already a large enough Chinese army in our country for many rounds of the low-tech terror attack I just dreamed up. They could do it thirty days in a row. To the same twenty cities. Or choose a new set of twenty cities every day. They could expand to suburbs and small towns.


Our economy would shut down. The stock market would collapse. There would be no travel, or tourism. No one would dare go to a supermarket. All schools would be shuttered. We’d all be locked in our homes. America would quickly become a ghost town.

Anonymous ID: 3fdbf9 Oct. 11, 2023, 3:46 p.m. No.19716798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6814 >>6822 >>7035

JUST IN - U.S. Marine Corps’ expeditionary unit capable of special operations has departed early from a scheduled exercise with Kuwait "as a result of emerging events."


@disclosetv (

Marine unit leaves Kuwait exercise early because of 'emerging events'

Breaking news from around the world.

Anonymous ID: 3fdbf9 Oct. 11, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.19716948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6999

WATCH: Rep. Dan Crenshaw Threatens and Assaults Right-Wing Reporter Who Was Grilling Him About Being a War Hawk


Rep. Dan Crenshaw threatened and tripped a right-wing National File reporter who was grilling him about being a war hawk.


The incident was captured on video by both reporter Charles Downs and National File publisher Noel Fritsch — the one who was tripped.


“RINO warmonger Dan Crenshaw threatened and tried to trip our publisher @NoelFritsch as our reporters @howleyreporter and @thecharlesdowns questioned him about his support for war spending and Scalise not having enough votes yet for speaker,” National File tweeted with first-person footage from Fritsch.


In the video, Crenshaw can be heard taunting the reporter before the assault, claiming that he appeared to be having trouble walking backwards.

Anonymous ID: 3fdbf9 Oct. 11, 2023, 4:12 p.m. No.19717031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7035 >>7038 >>7063

BREAKING: Israelis Report Armored Vehicles Approaching Border from Jordan – Convoys of Muslim Women and Children Evacuate from West Bank


Frontline News has reporters on the ground in Israel near the border with Jordan in the West Bank.


On Tuesday, Khaled Mashal, the former leader and founding member of Hamas, called for a global Muslim uprising in support of Palestine on Friday. Mashal emphasized the need for Muslims to sacrifice and carry Jihad, including the willingness to offer their blood and souls to advance the Palestinian cause.

Now Israelis in Samaria in the West Bank are reporting armored vehicles approaching the border from Jordan.

Anonymous ID: 3fdbf9 Oct. 11, 2023, 4:14 p.m. No.19717045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7058 >>7070 >>7115

Under the cover of the Israel War!


Hunter Biden Judge Dismisses Old Gun Charge


US District Judge Maryellen Noreika on Wednesday agreed to formally drop a gun charge against Hunter Biden after a new indictment replaced his collapsed plea deal.


Recall that Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal collapsed in July after Judge Maryellen Noreika realized Hunter’s lawyers were trying to pull a fast one on her.


Hunter was only charged with two misdemeanors related to tax fraud and would have avoided prison time on a felony gun charge.


Prosecutors went easy on Hunter and handled the gun charge as a “diversion case.”


The lawyers slipped Hunter’s blanket immunity in the pre-trial diversion agreement so the judge could not accept – or reject – the blanket immunity part of the deal.


However, the judge smelled a rat and blew up the entire plea deal!


Last month Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.