tyb for time and effort, appreciated.
after an awaken (becoming aware), if one chooses… an assist for ascend:
Surfing the veil
Do not wake fully in the morning.
Instead form a simple question in the mind.
Drift into sleep again holding the question.
Upon waking again, do not fully waken.
Bring the previous question to mind.
Wait for the answer to follow.
If no answer…
simplify the question…
and take into sleep again.
Repeat until sleep is no longer available.
In this way a dialog can be created.
A useful source of knowledge.
soul tax: offering plate
body tax: income tax on labor wages
spirit tax: tax on purchases
if you are paying continual taxes on it,
you don't own it.
after a bit of time traveling… realized…
a 12 inch rule around a 12 hour clock.
is one of the requirements for time travel.
it permits the conversion of:
-time into travel
-travel into time
and yesterday was not tomorrow…
…end of the tape measure prolly just twisting about..
seems time isn't money, hopes that doesn't crimpy future expectations or what.
czekt for tourism! double czeckt!
tissue available if needed. presumptions enjoyed.
society being artificial, power and control under such artifice is simply a shadow for power and control within nature.