Anonymous ID: fe3bbf Oct. 11, 2023, 3:10 p.m. No.19716560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19715789 pb

>Anons I really, really don't want to live anymore, im surrounded by people who hate me, i call them family. other than these 3 people I have nobody, the world is shitty , there are no good people, a step away from homelessness Again, I'm a Targeted individual,i have gangstalkers on my ass anytime i go outside… think it's time to go.

>I Love God I've done what I could with life, would he be mad if all I want to do is join him?


You are not alone anon, you have us and soon you will have more friends than you can imagine. President Trump and Dan are true patriots and will not abandon you, I know because I am have been gang stalked for 22 years thus the 22 comms; because they know my situation and they know your situation too. I am facing the same financial situation and targeting, but remember, Trump's lawsuits are not only election interference by defamation of character but a financial attack too due to the costs of all these frivolous law suits. Compensation is coming soon. Here is proof positive, look at Dan's last post @ 6:46, it points to Q646 and says one thing "Apache". This has meaning to me as a targeted individual and it let's me know that they have eyes on 22. Trust me, you will not believe your rewards that are coming and your vindication. Trump and I were ground zero workers, no man left behind.