22020 elections were fraud, 2022 also. House Reps ( and some Senate) have no legitimate authority to do anything. Budget is running on DJT last signed. High drama in Speaker race is meant to fill the story line and keep people engaged so they don't notice we have a non functioning Government. We will have this high drama until it is too late to do anything but another CR come Nov 17 so people don't notice that this 118Th Congress has no power to setNEW. All they can do is keep status quo of essential funds.
Funding begins at the House and this House is completely corrupt, unlike Senate that spreads elections out.
Anons remember when DJT signed first covid package and said it was the last one he would sign like this. We are still running on those fumes. Follow the money from that point forward and you will see.
Next posts will be about Tubberville's purported hold