Anonymous ID: 008702 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:31 a.m. No.19722038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2083


>pay no attention to that anon. he's truly delusional and paranoid




Funny how none of you wise asses said anything when Trump called it Chyna dust? You all laughed and said we are with you POTUS, go get um, and remember who cheered you on. Where do you think he got the term Chyna dust from? I asked him to check out the dust in front of my house and see if it was related to covid, within 3 days he said Chyna dust at a rally. And if you are listening PDJT, never invite one of these deniers anywhere near you, they reveal who they really are, agents of the DS. They interfere with my truths but yours they would never criticize because they know they would lose an opportunity to be sleepers at a later date; should they ever met you.