Anonymous ID: 2f5792 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.19721542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1564 >>1675 >>1734 >>1745 >>1852

Just for anons and patriots to be aware because if they ever release the next pandemic, many of you may die not knowing what it really is. I speak from experience and my information has been sometimes decades before anyone else notices, for example, I said 911 was an attack of white Conservative Christians and before BLM riots in 2020 making white people to apologize and kneel, I was riddiculed or ignored.


That being said. I told you all, Covid uses air pathways when it started and that it was mainly local last December, meaning people who get it are being targeted by their cabal neighbors. I've mentioned dozens of deployment tactics in the past and I am a testbed for the DS targeting. So for example, a new delivery method that we recently discovered is they dig holes in your yard and use a newer form of this "Covid Chemical" which stays in a liquid form rather than turning into Chyna Dust as Potus so rightly described it and I have witnessed almost on a daily basis.


The new variant will be more than ionized plastic, metals, and organic netmatoad fossilized larve but will be laced with cyanide. This symptoms for cyanide will kill any and all living cells within a short duration after exposure, It is extremely painful as your limbs will become numb, cold, and feel like they have been stretched out. This happened to me just before Trumps last rally. I was incapacitated for almost 4-5 hours in tremendous pain but the remedy is to work past the pain and exercise the limb with heat to flush away the dead cells. Natural occuring T-cells is God given and all you have to do is massage the area even though it seems counter-intuative due to penetration as deep as the bone marrow, Hope you remember this should the time come, failure to act can lead to cardiac arrest if you let the toxins travel with no T-cell intervention.