Anonymous ID: 6bfb11 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.19721678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19721263 (pb)

I'm listening to the West Palm Beach 47 Club speech again and I'll post the quote when I hear him say it.


OK at about

1:13:59 into the RSBN video, at 9:10 PM Eastern Time, President Trump says the following:

"But think what our country would have been like if the election had not been rigged and stolen. Just think of this. Israel would not now be under attack, would never be under attack. They'd be flourishing, they'd be happy .

All of those people who are dead, right now dead, beautiful daughters and sons, fathers, and mothers, babies. 44 Babies had their heads cut off. Did you hear that, right? Babies. Babies. These are babies. They had their heads cut off today. But Israel would be flourishing, they would have no problem. Iran would never have played that game"

the video is here: