Anonymous ID: a5a674 Oct. 12, 2023, 7:40 a.m. No.19721360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1370 >>1372 >>1384

>>19721287 (lb)

Who are God's chosen people?


>>19721292 (lb)

-Do you deserve to get into heaven regardless of what happens to you on this earth?

-Do you earn your way into heaven by works?

-Do you get into heaven by God's grace through your faith?

Since you can never be good enough to make it into heaven without passing through the veil of death, what determines your "electability" while here on this earth? You have been elected, right? If you haven't, then you might not be saved.

Anonymous ID: a5a674 Oct. 12, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.19721454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1511


Are you sure about that?

He made company with drunks and addicts.

He consorted with a whore. A lot.

He fed the unwashed and unkempt.

He challenged all legal authorities.

He insisted religion was evil.

He spoke in riddles to confuse the prideful.

Then, His father, God, made him a human sacrifice for your consumption.

Your disbelief in him and his resurrection will be your ruin for all eternity.

And worst of all, He wanted you to pay taxes to Caesar.

Taxation is theft.



I find myself wondering why it always has to be within. Why not build it out there for all to have? Why is humanity standing in its own way?



>"His death was horrific and grotesque. God…"

You're right. It was horrific and grotesque. I wonder why God didn't stop it? You were brought into this world of no choice of your own, and start off by believing you don't deserve to exist in the best of places that God may have prepared for you. Why? Do you believe that the death of God's son at the altar of sacrifice to the Prince of the Power of the Air was a necessary turn of events in order for you to have salvation from… being human in a human world?


Because you do realize it wasn't necessary, right?

Anonymous ID: a5a674 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:13 a.m. No.19721550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1567 >>1574


God could've done anything in the list of possible potentialities in all of the universes known and unknown in order to deal with the issue of humanity and the various conflicts is suffers from. He could've spawned a gigantic penis to pee on all the perpetrators. He could've created a black hole in the middle of synagogue to get rid of the legalists. He could've destroyed all the money in the world. He could've spawned Godzilla. But his best move, the one that garnered to most support from believers for the past few thousand years, was killing his son. Then promoting the idea of eating his flesh, and drinking his blood. These aren't assumptions. They are observations.


Here's what we should do. A comedian suggested painting the Goodyear blimp as a big old titty to bring peace to the middle east. I say we at least try that first, then look at other options.