Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 7:45 a.m. No.19721389   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1405


Just cause you picked a place to live and declared it don't mean you get to fuck with all the people around you and steal their fucking land. jesus tits.. gods chosen people seem to be stupid You fucking declared independence not perpetual fucking war in the local area..

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19721474   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Calm the fuck down people are not gona give hitler a hug. But there's certainly something to history being wrong, there's something screwy with 1969 onward in our National Security Background checks that screwed the pooch on commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.19721696   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1787 >>1893 >>2047

TENEO doug band


This story is morphing really into a story of Graham and Braverman in Haiti beginning in 2010 forming the IHRC, and ending with the murder of Monica Petersen in November of 2016. The story now begins with Laura Graham sitting in her car on the Staten Island Ferry on December 7th, 2011, one foot on the accelerator, ready to drive her car into the water. On the radio, she is listening to a New York radio station talking about Laura Silsby being arrested in January of 2010, and how Hillary seemed to fly to Haiti to meet with Haitian officials, but does not get off the plane. People on the radio show are speculating the Clinton Foundation gave Hillary's entourage $100,000 to bribe Haitian officials. Graham knows the money was withdrawn quickly, and there is an audit trail. She makes a call to Doug Band, and she decides not to kill herself. is brought in to replace Graham in 2013 to replace Graham after she has had a nervous breakdown. When your predecessor has a nervous breakdown, you have to worry a bit about the job, but he agrees to directly managing the IHRC (Interim Haiti Relief Commission) anyway that he was overseeing before nice 2011 as a consultant with McKinsey. Braverman's questions about photographs on the progress of housing projects continue to bedevel Graham as well as the progress on other projects. His trips to Haiti to inspect projects have only caused more questions. Braverman now can drill down directly on the books to see where the money is actually going in July of 2013. The Hillary email drama is unfolding just as Bravermen takes over as CEO. Bruce Lindsey is still hiding the Giustra 1,100 donors from Bravermen, making his contribution look like on lump sum from Clinton Giustra Partnership. This will continue for all the time Braverman is at the Clinton Foundation. Braverman brings in Simpson Thatcher for the first true, quiet, unofficial audit in the history of the Foundation. The results shock him. Simpson auditors joke with Bravermen about how the Foundation should be called the Quid Pro Quo Foundation and if Braverman looks good in the color orange. They pick up the 12 page Doug Band member about Teneo, and say the Attorney General of the Souther District of New York only need this one email to shut the Foundation down. The next year is a constant struggle for transparency in even modest forms like introducing people on the Board who are not Clinton insiders. He is rebuffed at every turn. After receiving a raise and promotion in December of 2014, he finds out from Huma the confab will be held in Morocco in May 2015, email controversy with House Oversight notwithstanding. He knows he is the fall guy now, so he leaves the Foundation.Braverman goes to Politico to clear his name in March of 2015 to clear his name before the May 2015 confab with the notorious King of Morocco who has been sanctioned by the UN for human rights violations in Western Sahara including beheadings and torture. DNC and Podesta email trickle out in the summer and Fall of 2016, and then the pizza talk begins. Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. She is murdered in November of 2016, and in one of her last posts she mentions the Clinton Foundation's ties to sex trafficking in Haiti.


Why would Hillary not want the weapons back for more topples?


Sid Email to HRC - Ideas On How To Mentor Egyptian Revolutionaries - Recommends OTPOR



Adding to your list of MAJOR DONORS.

(And further proof Clinton provided special treatment to CF donors and staff, in emails over her unsecured server.)

Judicial Watch, 2/2/2017: "New State Department Records Reveal Clinton Aide Abedin Secured State Dept. Lunch Invitation for Major Clinton Foundation Donor."

Named in emails (dated 2009):

  • Donor and trustee of Foundation: Sant Chatwal, Indian businessman

  • Huma Abedin, emails with Sant Chatwal

  • Hillary Clinton/Clinton Foundation, emails w/Abedin regarding:

  • Sid Blumenthal, on analysis of U.S. Afghanistan policy

  • Doug Band, founder and exec. of Teneo

Sant Chatwal had track record of legal troubles (bank fraud, tax evasion, etc.) in U.S. and abroad yet was appointed as CF trustee in 2001.

Overview of Chatwal legal troubles:

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19721717   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1780 >>1787 >>1808 >>1893 >>2047

TENEO doug band 2/2


Sudan - Lukas Ludin




What about Lukas Lundin and Lundin petroleum/mining?


Lundin comes into this Sudan timeline 1997


2001 in Sudan


2007 press release for $100 million to Clinton Foundation from Lundin


Also Lundin has a hand in the Congo… keeps going.


Just something extra someone already has looked at I imagine


Teneo consulting name came up


Step 1 - Gaddafi’s Stingers, Sarin Gas To Get NATO Bombing


Step 3+4 - Petraeus Ships Sarin to King Abdullah

3 - Oil/Arms Rat Line

4 - Gas Attack to Topple

Step 3 - Jordanian Officers Driving Off Truckloads Stingers


2 - Send Cute Kids to Malta? Greece?


Libya Just One Of Seven Countries in

Middle East Project - 2003, PNAC

Step 2 - Topple Gaddafi 2.5 Kill Amb

Benghazi Whistleblowers–Eye witnesses to the war crimes committed in Libya by Hillary Clinton

The story behind the cover-up


Weapons worth billions of dollars seized by Syrian forces in stores terrorists in Aleppo


Video Explains Gaddafi’s Weapons Going to Syria


Wesley Clark


Plans to Invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran


Mark Mazetti, NYT, Pulitzer, Jordanian Officers Driving Arms to Rebels


Fox News - Libya Arms and Chemical Weapons Not Yet Controlled


Two Arrested for Syria Convoys to ISIS


CIA Contractor in Libya Says Stingers Being Flown to Jordan


Russia Sending Sarin Gas Sample to World Court


Churchill Shells French - Mers El Kebir


Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi


Medicare Fraud Doc ODs Five on Methodone In 20 months

Lapeer, MI - Town of 8,800

Javed Brothers Run Largest Medicare Ever Fraud - Rolexs


Dr. Death

Tariq Awan - TOR, DET, LAS, CA

Cheri Pfieffer - FAN - Families Against Narcotics - The Heoine of Lapeer


Doctor Prescribes Five Methadone Overdoses in One Year - Three Men, 41, 47, 51, in 2012, Two Women in 2013


Ataya Almost Has32 Year Old Women Die After Men Die, Two More Women Die Next Year


Dem Donor Doctors in Largest Medicare Scheme Ever


US vs Tahir


Largest Medicare Fraud Ever


Families Against Narcotics


Sixteen Doctors in Medicaid Fraud Scheme



Lapeer MI,_Michigan

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.19721765   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1769 >>1770


I'll go half-way and say, ASK the person digging the hole what te fuck they are doing.. MAYBE it's wrong address.


heh, I worked pretty hard one day at the wrong address in my EARLY YEARS… About to call my Boss for more support, and then got beeped back that I am at the wrong fuckin place.. (holy fuck I been removing dead trees all day!)

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.19721779   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1786


well… Apartments.. so I knock on the door and say Can I use your electricity… and the Home Owner says SURE…


Then I look at the tree (one of probably 20) and say damn are you sure this tree has to go, it only looks part dead.) they say I dunno. and so I start diggin and cutting. and choppin. Then put the shit in truck, rinse repeat, till truck can't hold more trees.. FUCK I was even in the Main office askinf for electricity.

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.19721828   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1847 >>1893 >>2047


DOUG BAND - sources that anon posted clippets from

Anonymous ID: b36d66 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:32 a.m. No.19722048   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2058


just trying to bring everyone back to reality here. There's no fuckin meat in the news anymore.






that gets attention. the turks are already on boycott list (listening to them is spying on the enemy)