Anonymous ID: c819ac Oct. 12, 2023, 9:37 a.m. No.19722085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2124 >>2127

(anons pass over this post without looking, it's meant for someone else entirely)


Listen up mutherfuckers. She's got to go. She, they, the entire convoluted, asinine, insane group of alters, must go. Whatever switch you have to flip to make her sane again, flip it, now. She has an alter that is demon-possessed, straight from Fauci's deal with the Devil possessed. You know this already.


Tell me how to fix her and I'll do it my gaddamned self. Enough of this utter and complete bullshit. ENOUGH. Do you know what you're doing to me mentally and emotionally? FuCKING ENOUGH.


Really, I don't know why you let this creature linger around me, I don't know her, never met her, and never want to be friends with that thing. Get me the fuck out of this situation right fucking now. When I learn who's been doing this to me, rest assured they will need a new asshole to shit from. This is vindictive and personal now. Fix her or get me the fuck out of here.


Perhaps Suicide Weekend was meant for me? Exit the matrix of lies and deceit now that I've lived and can be a fair judge to mankind. If she's part of "the great plan" let me know, directly, I'm tired of this clandestine bullshit. Six years you've kept me waiting, watching the world explode because I woke up is a mindfuck, and I now have to deal with this shit. There's only so much a mind and body can take in a lifetime. I'm very unhappy. When I'm unhappy, the world is unhappy. I'm so tired of this cyclical bullshit.


So, if you would, kindly show me who I am so I can figure out how to fix this situation and save this planet from the impending harvest. Show me my history, show me who I am. Fix that thing that lives with me, you made her, now destroy or fix her.


This is as close as I've ever been to doing something very drastic to improve my situation. Six years, knowing you know who I am, hell I can't even wank now, knowing you can see me wank. You monitor my life, yet can't step in when I need your help. Help me, I don't care what it costs on your end. You MK'd her mind, fix it.


On a much lighter note, the Gog and Magog war has started. At least I can see that happening. Move me to Israel or fucking Arvin, I don't care as long as I'm mentally stable once again. My kids know nothing and you know that. It's time they knew who their dad really was. The world needs to know. The world needs me as hope for the future. I don't know how to steer this ship yet, but I'm learning how to read the tides and adjust. Where's my John TB? Who will scream out who I am? When do I (all I want is to smile all day) get happiness?


Do not think I'm not grateful as hell to be as stable as I am right now. Thank you all for that. Thank you for the flyovers too, it reminds me I'm not alone. You've heard her, how utterly insane she can be. Save me please. Take me away, and if it's death that does it, so be it.


You broke me. I'm done. I'm just a shell of the man I once was. This is my very sincere plea for help, on my knees pleading, begging for help. How can I hit a moving target when it changes shape and appearance spontaneously?


I can't do this anymore, this mind fuck game you play by leaving me here with her. As far as I remember, I own all of this, and created it as a way to judge the program's ability to function before it's put in the real world. In no way did I choose this pile of shit to accompany me through it all. You put her here. Fix her.