Anonymous ID: e150e2 Oct. 12, 2023, 7:35 a.m. No.19721343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1682 >>1787 >>1893 >>2047

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092


Price Inflation Higher When Debt Increases, Oh Wow! Hurrrrr Durrrrr! ←-rigged stats

Establishment economists are stumbled, as usual.



Actually factoring in food and energy costs!


Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Open Border Policies

When Americans see illegal foreigners and crime all over the place, no shit!


A submarine arms race is intensifying as China embarks on production of a new generation of nuclear-armed submarines that for the first time are expected to pose a challenge to growing US and allied efforts to track them.


Recessions, debt, energy crisis, inflation and wars… somehow it is all related, and it is related at a global level, impacting nearly all economies and markets. It all seems to be going rather badly for the "rules based global order" or as some prefer to call it, the empire of lies.


Trump Says The Obvious Out Loud, Hezbollah Is Emboldened By Western Stupidity


Priceless! Look At Western Hypocrisy! Russia vs Israel War Crime Reactions!

When Russia cuts off energy to Ukraine it's horrible, when Israel cuts off energy, food and WATER to Gaza, crickets!


Qatar is now threatening to cut their oil supply to the world if Israel invades Gaza.

So if the Arabs DO cut-off oil supplies, the United States no longer has a massive 714 Million Barrel reserve from which to draw to keep the country going. Biden voters and riggers, YOU DID THIS!


Israel Attacks Damascus Airport as IRAN Foreign Minister Plane Coming-in, Plane Forced to Divert


View of Gaza Skyline as Israel Bombards Hamas Targets (Oct. 12)

Anonymous ID: e150e2 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.19721699   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nazi's acted like Jews and the Jews acted like Nazi's. Socialism? Communism? Fascism? Think about it this way: America CREATED Free Market Capitalism which enriched us and empowered us for decades (America would not have been a superpower without that). The rest of those 'economic' ideologies? European, Bolshevik and yes Jewish. Those Keynesian economist ideologies all failed, they all ended in failure. Unfortunately today America has already adopted those failed insolvent ideologies although it will never be admitted by the establishment. Nearly everything today is based on debt and fraud with rigged statistics backing it, and government running it, that's NOT free market capitalism it's insolvent Keynesian diarrhea being lapped up off a bathroom floor.

Anonymous ID: e150e2 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:21 a.m. No.19721965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cowards and cucks. Luckily the 5th Appeals court ruled it Unconstitutional recently. However, they should be defunded completely for engaging in Unconstitutional behavior against citizens!

Anonymous ID: e150e2 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.19721982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2047

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000093


BEWARE NEO-CONS! China Has A Defense Industry, Whereas The United States Has A War Industry

China is not wasting expensive equipment on endless wars for profit. Just like Russia, IF China uses their weapons it will be to mercilessly and ruthlessly destroy an enemy nation that poses an exponential threat!


Russian Parliament To Vote On ENDING Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


The US government is scrambling to ensure it can supply munitions to Israel in case of a possible ground incursion into Gaza, CNN has reported, citing multiple US officials. US stockpiles are already significantly depleted due to the arming of Ukraine.

US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby suggested on Wednesday that thePentagon may find itself “at the end of the rope” in terms of long-term assistance to Ukrainedue to the appropriations turmoil.


NATO Forced To Choose Funding & Supporting Israel or Ukraine, They Can't Save Both


EU Divided Over Israel's Violation Of International War Crime Laws

International law states a country cannot attack civilians or cut them off from basic essentials they need to live! Those that do so are committing war crimes which is terrorism!


Israel Responds To EU: Food, Water and Power To Be Restored To Gaza After All Israeli Hostages Released


IDF Dropping Leaflets To Civilians Over Gaza Warning of Pending Attack


Hamas Founder Found Dead, Bombed By Airstrike