They could use this LawFARE harrassment and imprisonment for local candidates in New York.
When will the honest FEDERAL Government (as it should be; if it even exists?) intervene?
The HOUSE should immediately bore down into this corruption FASCIST take-over crisis.
Not an accident it's timed with the Plandemic.
We need to ressurect our auththentic NATION.
According to Contract between States of the UNION, signed at the time of the creation of the FEDERATION.
Other STATES are supposed to step in an save the citizens of a STATE which goes AWOL from the rule of Law (Commons Law, Traditional Law not corrupt and arbitrary EQUITY law) and BILL of RIGHTS.
NY STATE has gone AWOL
Needs to be corrected.
There's National Guard supposed to arrive, but who knows who they work for?
Could be here to round up dissidents?