Who is they? We don’t have a religion. We have a Savior in the person of Jesus (Jn 14:6). We know who we are. We don’t know who Q is (Re 11:3–6). Witnesses for God don’t aide and abet child-killing, serial adulterers (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). Antichrists come as light; but, in reality, they are darkness (Re 11:7a). Donald Trump wouldn’t know the difference because he’s not a Christian (Ro 8:14). There is zero evidence that he has repented. Trump spent his life building his own kingdom—not God’s.
He loves our country no doubt; and, he’ll do the best he can. It won’t be good enough. We aren’t in scripture. Ask yourself why, America (Pr 14:34). It was an experiment. We see now that man cannot rule and reign. I know a man who can (Re 20:1–10). He’ll sort it all out soon. Trust his plan.