Anonymous ID: 2a3c71 Oct. 13, 2023, 8:06 a.m. No.19728643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8674 >>8826 >>9043 >>9224 >>9252

DeSantis attacks Trump over his critique of Israel’s government—but nearly 90% of Israelis agree with Trump…

October 12, 2023 (a day ago)

Ron DeSantis is plummeting, trailing by a whopping 50 points in some polls. He’s eager to generate some buzz and potentially chip away at President Trump’s lead, so he seized on Trump’s recent criticism of Israel’s government and their massive intelligence failure regarding the Hamas attacks. In a post on X, DeSantis implied that, during a recent speech, Trump “praised terrorists.” An accusation that reminded many of the left-wing “very fine people” hoax, where Trump’s words were taken out of context and used against him for years.

Here’s what Ron had to say in response to



Terrorists have murdered at least 1,200 Israelis and 22 Americans and are holding more hostage, so it is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as “very smart.”


As President, I will stand with Israel and treat terrorists like the scum that they are.


Like the left-wing media and politicians, DeSantis also misconstrued Trump’s words. The full remarks from Trump provide a much clearer perspective on the matter.


Clearly, Trump wasn’t singing the praises of terrorists; he was acknowledging that the enemy is shrewd and intelligent and that we have to take their words and actions seriously. Unfortunately, Israel overlooked warnings of an impending “big event” related to Gaza, and as a result, innocent civilians suffered greatly. Further complicating DeSantis’ attack is the fact that most people in Israel actually agree with President Trump’s assessment of the situation.


Jerusalem Post:

Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.


An overwhelming majority – 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country’s leadership, while a staggering 92% said the war is causing anxiety.


Furthermore, almost all the respondents (94%) believe the government must bear some responsibility for the lack of security preparedness that led to the assault, with over 75% saying the government holds most of the responsibility.


This recent maneuver by DeSantis has raised questions about his grasp of the America First movement, sparking concerns that he’s more aligned with establishment politics than with the people. It’s concerning that Ron DeSantis may be too focused on pandering to Israel to put America first.


While Trump presided over four years of peace and encouraged hostile foreign enemies to work things out and make peace, DeSantis’ pandering approach is likely only to foment more war, chaos, and unrest abroad.


Here’s what some folks online are saying about the DeSantis remark.


“You should delete this but you won’t because your campaign is run by frauds.”


“When your campaign is in the shitter, you’ve blown through your wad of cash and got nowhere, I guess the final act of self-immolation is to try and trash the guy who is leading you by 50+ points. You’re just a thinner Chris Christie and apparently about as smart.”


“It’s sad what you’re willing to say when you’re 50 points down. Trump will be the GOP nominee for President. You can either join us and help defeat communism in America, or not.”


“Some of us want to bring back WORLD PEACE. Your donors profit from the military industrial complex, so it doesn’t surprise me that your staffers tweet from your account with blood in their eyes.”


More and more, DeSantis’ moves feel like desperate Hail Marys thrown in hopes of reaching the end zone. His campaign is likely hoping it’s not the final nail in his coffin.

Anonymous ID: 2a3c71 Oct. 13, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.19728674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think BiBi called DeSatanist to criticize Trump because Trump said BiBi let America down. Remember when Desatisfied let Mossad take over the towers in Florida that fell, so they could clean up the records of spies from IDF and Mossad lived there? (Thats my guess, or Mossad wanted to collect their booty)


BiBi would absolutely support DeSat since he hates Trump. I knew Trump would get a reaction from BiBi. He does this to provoke and prove the truth

Anonymous ID: 2a3c71 Oct. 13, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.19728709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8826 >>9043 >>9224 >>9252

==New Hampshire student admits threatening Republican congressman Matt Gaetz=p


56 minutes ago. By Madeline Halpert

A US college student has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Republican congressman Matt Gaetz.


Allan Poller, 24, admitted he left an expletive-laden voicemail for the lawmaker on 29 March.


Poller said: "If you keep on coming for the gays, we're gonna strike back… We will kill you if that's what it takes."


According to the plea agreement, the student made the call after becoming "emotional and intoxicated" while watching videos on TikTok.


Poller, a student at Keene State College in the state of New Hampshire, faced a federal charge of transmitting a threat in interstate commerce.


While authorities did not name Mr Gaetz in court documents, his office told US media he was the subject of the threat.


A source familiar with the investigation also confirmed to the BBC's US partner CBS News that Mr Gaetz was the member of Congress targeted.


Lawmakers across the country have faced a rise in harassment and threats in recent years.


The charge carries up to five years in prison, but the government is recommending a three-year probation sentence, according to court documents obtained by CBS.


Poller was originally charged with two counts, but one was dropped as a part of the plea deal.


The BBC has reached out to a lawyer for Poller and Mr Gaetz's office for comment.


In a statement to CNN, Poller's attorney Jesse Friedman said his client "recognises that hate in any form is wrong and hurtful".


"He accepts responsibility for his actions and did not intend for his acts to cause harm or a threat to anybody," added Mr Friedman.


Poller left the voicemail after Mr Gaetz's office did not answer the phone. The foul-mouthed message said the Florida lawmaker would take a bullet to the head.


"And then if you want to keep going down that path, you know who's next," he said.


A spokesman for Keene State College said Poller had been suspended for the rest of the semester following his arrest, but could not immediately confirm if he remained an active student.


At the time of his arrest, the college said in a statement "it does not espouse violence, or threats of violence, as a means for overcoming differences".


Poller will be sentenced in January.

Anonymous ID: 2a3c71 Oct. 13, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.19728765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8773

(These idiots never learn)

13 Oct, 2023 11:29

Top Zelensky aide blames West for counteroffensive slowdown

Mikhail Podoliak said the operation had fallen behind schedule because Kiev’s backers were taking too long to provide weapons


Ukraine’s Western backers are responsible for the slowdown in Kiev’s counteroffensive, a senior adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky, Mikhail Podoliak, has suggested, lamenting that weapons deliveries are taking too long. Earlier this week, Kirill Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate, acknowledged that Kiev’s military had fallen behind schedule in its attempt to drive Russian forces away.

In an interview with Ukraine’s Channel 24 on Thursday, Podoliak was asked whether he concurred with Budunov’s assessment. The official replied that Kiev’s counteroffensive is “six to nine months behind schedule.” He explained that “intensive” negotiations on arms deliveries, which began last fall, proved to be a long-drawn-out process, “with the partners afraid to acknowledge then that everything Ukraine needs should be provided as soon as possible.”


According to the Ukrainian presidential adviser, some in the West have adopted a wait-and-see approach, apparently not entirely sure whether Ukraine could withstand Russia’s push, adding that these supposed doubts are “holding back both the provision of aid and the quantity of aid.”


He revealed thatPresident Zelensky’s regular visits to Western capitals aim to keep the conflict on the agenda. His aide pointed out that the Ukrainian head of state is also proving “very effective” in demanding compliance with existing defense agreements. (KEK, his whining is alienating the allies. It’s over Kiev, get used to it you failed in every way! No one likes you, they never did.)


In an interview with the Ukrainskaya Pravda newspaper published on Thursday, intelligence chief Budanov said that Ukrainian forces were not merely behind schedule but had completely “fallen out of it.” He cited several things that did not go as “smoothly” as Kiev had hoped.


The official also expressed concern that the recent military conflict between Israel and HAMAS could potentially hamper the continued supply of arms to Ukraine should the hostilities in the Middle East become protracted.


Earlier, President Zelensky admitted there were problems with Ukraine’s counteroffensive, launched in early June. Last month, he said that the operation had slowed down due to Russian air superiority and blamed Kiev’s Western backers for failing to supply Ukraine’s forces with the necessary weapons.


Western military officials have also stated that Russian defenses have proven more resilient than expected.


Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced last week that the Ukrainian military had lost as many as 90,000 troops, nearly 1,900 armored vehicles, and some 557 tanks since the start of its counteroffensive.


A poor workman always blames his tools!

Anonymous ID: 2a3c71 Oct. 13, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.19728805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8821 >>8872


He’s a RFKjr hired by Obama, Soros, HRC, Bidan, the DS, they repeat Trumps original platform like DeSatanist. They are all paid losers


RFKjr admits he still supports Obama, HRC and Bidan not because their toxic ideology but how they rolled it out to Hannity. He’s just being paid to take votes from Trump. And RFK being a victim of Bidan is a psyop