Anonymous ID: cbd251 Oct. 13, 2023, 7:55 a.m. No.19728607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8635 >>8826 >>9043 >>9224 >>9252

The title says Australian government…but the list looks to apply to any western govt…


50 misinformation, disinformation and outright covid lies told by the Australian government and regulators


  1. Failure to recognise that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is of laboratory origin.


  1. Implementation of cruel lockdowns without any scientific evidence of usefulness.


  1. Declare experimental gene-based mRNA injections as “safe and effective” when this was not supported by the available evidence. The 95% efficacy claim was false. The covid “vaccines” have been reported to cause more death and injury than any drug in history.


  1. Failure of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) to properly evaluate the covid injections for quality, safety and efficacy. The TGA said the covid “vaccines” were properly assessed and proven to be safe.


  1. Failure to stop senseless vaccine mandates when there was never any evidence that the injections would stop transmission.


  1. Falsely claiming the covid injections would keep you from getting covid, getting seriously ill or going to the hospital. The hospital statistics show this is false.


  1. Falsely claiming masks prevent transmission or infection. There is no credible evidence that masks prevent transmission or acquisition of air-borne viral infection.


  1. Falsely claiming it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”


  1. Ramping up public fear to force people into getting “vaccinated.”


  1. Denying early treatment which could have saved thousands of lives. Such advice has never been given in medicine for any serious infection.


  1. Orchestrating and supporting outrageous epidemiologic claims of expected deaths (150,000 predicted by the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates).


  1. Failure to properly assess thousands of vaccine-related deaths reported in adverse drug event reporting systems including the Database of Adverse Event Notifications (“DAEN”).


  1. Courts failing to consider the scientific facts regarding covid and the lack of safety and efficacy of covid injections.


  1. Contributing to the media censorship of any scientist or doctor who criticised the government narrative of “vaccine” safety and efficacy.


  1. Permitting the Australian Professional Health Regulation Agency (“APHRA”) to suspend the registration of any health practitioner who disagreed with the government covid management policy.


  1. Preventing proper and full informed consent given to patients by doctors prior to covid injections – patients were not fully advised of the risks.


  1. Falsely stating it was safe to use covid injections for babies, children and pregnant women when there was no credible data to support such use.


  1. Falsely inflating “covid case” numbers and deaths using an inappropriate test (“PCR”) to justify population-wide covid injections.


  1. Failure to recognise or investigate natural immunity in relation to vaccine policy.


  1. Falsely claiming there was no clinical evidence to support ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid-19.


  1. Destroying millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine and blocking the prescribing of ivermectin for covid-19.


  1. Manipulating Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality data and Excess Death data using data analysis which effectively minimises the impact of All-Cause Mortality following covid “vaccine” rollout.


  1. Permitting and facilitating plans for a World Health Organisation (“WHO”) takeover of future Australian government pandemic health policy by unelected, unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats connected to the vaccine industry and apex predators of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”).


  1. Maintaining total secrecy surrounding the contracted arrangements with vaccine manufacturers and spending hundreds of billions of dollars needlessly on unscientific and unsound covid pandemic policies.


  1. Brutally suppressing peaceful demonstrations using rubber bullets and physical force never before witnessed in Australia.


  1. Proceeding to build pharmaceutical plants to produce “vaccines” using the mRNA platform without any long-term safety data and with the full knowledge these injections have produced the highest reported incidence of death and serious adverse events of any vaccine in history.


  1. Failure to explain or investigate the cause of the non-covid unexpected Excess Deaths following the covid “vaccine” rollouts (estimated at 30,000).


  1. Failure to conduct a proper risk/benefit assessment of lockdowns, vaccine mandates or covid “vaccination” OR to enquire why other countries had much fewer “cases” and deaths despite having much smaller health care budgets.


  1. Failure of the TGA to report ongoing cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with the covid “vaccines.”

