Anonymous ID: 0be84e Oct. 13, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.19729509   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you definitely don't have any mental problems or anything. You're perfectly fine and completely acceptable and lovable. Nothing wrong with you at all.


(Your life sounds painful, kmfao)

Anonymous ID: 0be84e Oct. 13, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19729741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9768 >>9814


We are supposed to live for hundreds of years. We have stem cells all over our body. Our organs regenerate. We make new organs all the time. Stress and negative thinking leads to the break down of the immune system and therefore health problems. Stress is the cause of all disease. Spontaneous healing happens when one has absolute faith and is therefore feeling the joy of the Lord.


I'm 49 and have 20 yo's trying to pick me up. They say I look mid 30s. (Not desperate or looking to babysit, etc. happy alone, etc ) I don't really touch processed foods either. You have to give the body the proper building blocks and supplies that it needs to maintain itself. You can take NAD+ for DNA repair and for DNA protection, as well as other antioxidants. Also they probably do liver cleanses and metal detox etc.


God made us to be magnificent beings but these luciferians fucked it all up via their programming designed for death. When Obama talks, he speaks death into the people. When Trump talks, he speaks life into them. Trump knows thoughts become things and everything comes from the unseen first and you bring it to pass via faith. Trump said in a book, forgot which one "Art of the Deal" or maybe "Why We Want You to be Rich".. but he says he avoids painful thoughts at all costs, that is because we are wired by God and faith always feels good and fear or doubt always feels bad. So you see Trump standing in an empty parking lot talking about how the building he will build there is going to be a juggernaut and amazing. He proclaims it til he claims it. Trump understands God's law and this is part of the great awakening that is coming. When true faith returns to the minds of the collective consciousness. They can already right now, and have been able to for many years, drop energy bombs on us that heal every disease and mental problem in humanity. Scalar energy weapons can be used to heal.

Like wut happens in the end of final fantasy 7. Love heals and love is a frequency (not the fucked up shit humans do and call it love, ie "you are so selfish for doing what makes you happy, you need to change and do what makes ME happy!" humans fucked God's love all up. I'm talking about God's love, where one has perfect faith without any fear woven into it and the mind becomes clear and lucid and joyful, NOW that person has love to offer. Anyway, they can already reverse aging via synthetic mRNA but everything they do, they copy from God and claim credit for it even though you get the frankenversion of it. Humans need to be re-educated to make the mind work FOR them instead of against them, which was rigged by these luciferians that control the tv programs, books, education, magazines, media etc About 95% is written from those who have not found God and the luciferian program is running subconsciously so most are not even aware they are thinking negative because it's the "norm". What a fucking idiot to suspend one's disbelief and expect miracles to happen. All a miracle is is something someone really really really wants but really really really doesn't believe can happen until one day they let go and believe and poof, by God's law, it HAS to happen then.

Very well, that is all.